Chapter 21

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No one's POV

"Minjeong, you better be ready to go on stage today. The manager keeps calling me and saying how I'm breaking my part of the deal." Seulgi said over the phone.

"Unnie, calm down. I'm already at the shop with Ryujin." Minjeong said over speaker as she took out her guitar and set it up along with her mics.

"Oh that's a relief. I thought I wouldn't stop getting an ear full from Mrs. Lee and her husband."

Minjeong giggled and turned her head to see who entered the backstage area, fortunately it was just Ryujin.

"Who?" Ryujin mouthed and pointed at her phone.

"Seulgi unnie." Minjeong replied. Then she returned her attention back to her phone. "Well unnie that's your job right now, so live with it." Minjeong joked.

"As long as this ends with you forgiving me and going back to our normal ways, I'd take nagging from anybody, any day." The three girls shared a light laughter before they were cut off. "Oh Joohyun's calling. Don't want to make the queen mad. I'm hanging up now. Good luck and have fun. Oh! And also, happy birthday, Minjeongie!"

The call ended and Minjeong sighed in bliss as she finally felt like she was slowly getting her Seulgi unnie back.

"Come on birthday girl. Wouldn't want to keep the crowd waiting." Ryujin said, trying to hype Minjeong up.

"By crowd, you mean the poor customers that would have to witness me totally having a mental breakdown on stage." Minjeong felt the nerves building up and got lost in her thoughts.

"You'll be fine. Just breathe." Ryujin encouraged as she took deep breaths for her.

Minjeong closed her eyes and remembered what to do.


"Baby, I had so much trouble sleeping without you." Minjeong whined and hugged her girlfriend who she hasn't seen for a couple days due to a short trip she took with her parents.

"Is it a habit now to do this every time we sleep?" Jimin asked as she pressed their foreheads and noses together, just the way Minjeong likes it.

Minjeong nodded with a pout. "I don't know how to cope without it."

Jimin giggled and slightly pulled away. "Here." She raised her hand and slowly massaged Minjeong's furrowed eyebrows. "Rub here three times, then count to ten with deep breaths. Imagine I'm there with you and just relax. I promise you it'll work."

Minjeong believed her and from every night she couldn't sleep without Jimin, she would do exactly as she was told.


Except it didn't work for Minjeong anymore, at least when she's sleeping. Ever since that day, she's had sleepless nights and tries to muffle her screams to not constantly wake Ryujin up because she felt bad for the girl.

"Just breathe Minjeong." Minjeong said to herself as she softly rubbed the creases on her eyebrows and counted to ten.

Miraculously, she calmed down and felt more comfortable at the thought of performing in front of people again.

"Minjeong-shi, are you ready yet?" Mrs. Lee asked as she peeked her head behind the curtain.

Minjeong gave her a smile with a soft nod. Mrs. Lee left the room with Ryujin closely following behind.

Now, Minjeong was facing a red curtain with her guitar in her hand and a mic stand in front of her. Finally, the curtains rose and the customers turned their attention to the girl on stage.

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