Chapter 9

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3rd Person's POV
Jimin opened her eyes to a brand new day. Today was her and Minjeong's first official date and she couldn't be any happier.

Of course she couldn't miss her morning run either so she washed up, got dressed, and headed out to meet Minjeong in the exact same spot for the past month.

She was about two minutes into her running pace when she saw the smaller one waiting with her back turned. Jimin had a growing smirk on her face as she slowed down to a walking pace.

Right as she brought her hands up to cover Minjeong's eyes, the latter turned around which caught Jimin by surprise.

Jimin pouted and whined a little. "Why? I wanted us to be those cringey couples where I cover your eyes and say 'guess who', but you ruined it." Jimin said while grabbing Minjeong's hand and swaying it back and forth like a kid.

Minjeong's amused smile didn't leave her face the entire time while watching her adorable girlfriend(?) whining so cutely.

I honestly don't know what we are but I'm going to enjoy this for as long as I can. Minjeong thought.

"Well it might be better to make sure I can't see your shadow as you come up behind me." Minjeong replied.

"Well it might be better to-okay I get it. I'm not the best at being subtle but you could've pretended." Jimin mocked.

Minjeong kept laughing and couldn't stop until she noticed the glares that were being thrown her way. "Alright alright. Let's redo it. I'll pretend this time." Minjeong said and let go of Jimin's hand to turn around again.

Jimin wasn't having it and turned the shorter one back around. "It doesn't work that way. Let's just forget about it. You're lucky you're cute." Jimin said before running ahead of Minjeong.

The shorter one quickly caught up and nudged the older one. "So if I was ugly then you'd kill me?"

"Yes, but that won't happen. I won't let anyone land a punch on that pretty face." Jimin said.

Minjeong's smile slightly faltered at that statement but shook it off. The irony of that sentence.

"So where are you taking me today?" Minjeong asked.

"Secret." Jimin replied with a smug smile.

Minjeong rolled her eyes. The two ran in silence but it was a comfortable silence. No words were needed to make the smile on their faces grow even more.

Unfortunately their morning had to come to an end when they reached the last corner.

"I'll see you later." Minjeong said and began to run off towards her street. But before she got far, Minjeong was pulled back.

The younger one was surprised and as she turned around, she was faced with a smirking Jimin.

Jimin quickly pulled the shorter one in for a quick kiss and smiled as they pulled apart.

"What was that for?" Minjeong asked.

"What's wrong with kissing my girlfriend before we leave?" Jimin said with a small pout.

"Wait so does this make me your secret girlfriend?" Minjeong asked with a slight tease in her eyes.

"Yup, you're my little secret." Jimin said and pulled Minjeong's collar to pull her in for one last kiss.

The two pulled apart once again and finally parted ways to get ready for school.

Jimin arrived at school a bit earlier than Minjeong which wasn't something new to her. She always arrived early so she could prepare her things for her classes and go straight to Minjeong right after.

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