Chapter 24

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"Minjeong!" Jimin pushed the two abusive people away and gasped at the sight.

Laying on the floor, breathing faintly was her Minjeong. She gasped as she looked at the weak body of Minjeong.

Jimin turned to Minjeong's parents and looked at them with hatred.

"Jimin-ah...let's calm down okay?" Yeji said as she grasped onto Jimin's shoulder.

"Step back. I don't want you to get hurt." Jimin said before grabbing Mr. Kim's collar and punching him across the face.

"You bitch! Did you just punch my husband?!?" Mrs. Kim yelled.

"You're next!" Jimin raised her fist as Mrs. Kim screamed in terror. But Mrs. Yu caught her arm and pulled her away with some help from Yuna and Jisu.

"Stop honey. They're not worth it." Mrs. Yu looked dead into Mrs. Kim's eyes as the latter shook in fear.

Jimin snapped out of her growing anger towards the two Kims and kneeled down to pull Minjeong into her arms as she caressed her bruised and bleeding face.

"Security!" Mr. Yu yelled and made sure that the two Kims didn't leave the room. "I will see you in court." He threatened as Mr. and Mrs. Kim were dragged out of the room. After, he ran out to find any nearby medic that could help.

"Windeungie..." Jimin whispered and touched Minjeong's jaw with the pad of her fingers.

"What the..." Seulgi said as she saw Mr. and Mrs. Kim being taken away by some guards. She ran inside to see Minjeong's friends and Jimin's mom hovering over a corner. "No..." she whispered as she pushed through and looked at the limp body of the girl she thought of as her sister. "No!" She ran out with a raging feeling building inside.

Seulgi ran out into the halls and saw four figures walking towards the security room.

"Hey! Stop!" Seulgi yelled as she sprinted in that direction.

"What-" The guards were caught off guard as Seulgi came flying in with punches towards the two people that hurt Minjeong. She landed a hard right into Mrs. Kim's jaw and kneed Mr. Kim in his privates.

The guards immediately had to pull Seulgi back as her eyes turned dark.

"Don't you ever come near Minjeong again." Seulgi warned.

The guards calmed Seulgi down and trusted her to be left alone.

"That bitch just hit us! You should be putting her in cuffs too!" Mrs. Kim shouted. The guards didn't listen and dragged them away.

Meanwhile, back in the room, Jimin was desperately holding onto Minjeong as her tears fell onto the younger girl's face. Minjeong used every piece of energy left to open her eyes and try to find the person that she's been yearning for.

"R-Rina..." Minjeong softly muttered and a smile formed on her face.

"Hey it's me. Just focus on my voice okay? Don't close your eyes." Jimin repeated as her vision blurred from the continuous tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry about everything. I'm sorry I hurt you." Minjeong weakly replied.

"Don't think about that right now. Just stay with me." Jimin pleaded.

"But I'm so tired. Can I sleep for five minutes?" Minjeong asked as her eye lids grew heavy.

"No. No. You can't. Just stay awake please, for me." Jimin pulled Minjeong's face into her neck as she held onto the smaller girl for dear life.

"For you, I'd do anything. But I'm sorry I can't do that right now." Minjeong muttered and closed her eyes.

"!" Jimin's painful cries filled the room as everyone stared at the poor girl.

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