Chapter 17

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At the Yu household, Jimin was in the kitchen helping her mother cook while Minjeong was sitting in the living room until she was beckoned by Mr. Yu to enter his office.

She didn't know why she was called in but her nerves were getting worse.

The girl entered the office and took a seat on the chair in front of his desk while he sat down behind it.

"It's nice seeing you again Minjeong. I know it must be strange of me to call you in without Jimin." Mr. Yu said and chuckled to try and ease the girl's nerves.

"I'm fine Mr. Yu." Minjeong responded but kept rubbing the sweat off her palms.

"Well you know how much me and Mrs. Yu love our Jimin right?" Mr. Yu asked while slightly leaning over his desk. Minjeong nodded and gulped. "And seeing how you two are dating, I know you'd want to not upset her parents right?" Minjeong nodded again. "And so, Winter-"

"H-how do you know that name?" Minjeong was shocked and quickly turned around to see if the door was open, but luckily, it wasn't. Minjeong tried to rationalize for a moment and assumed Jimin might've brought it up to them.

"Well..." Mr. Yu grabbed his monitor and turned it around to face Minjeong. It showed an article of her career. "Winter Kim, UFC Lightweight Champion, it's funny how I don't see any fencing."

"Mr. Yu I can explain-"

"No need. And don't worry, I won't tell Jimin either because that would break her heart." Minjeong sighed in relief but that moment was quickly over. "Now I also saw your schedule and you have an upcoming anonymous match in January 3rd, am I correct? And you probably know it's against Jimin as well." Minjeong sadly nodded and was dreading to hear the rest of the conversation. "Honestly speaking, I don't want my daughter fighting as her future career because it's so dangerous but we made a promise that if she made it to the professional level, then we'd fully accept it."

Minjeong began shaking her head. "Mr. Yu-"

"I want you to win. If you win, you can keep dating my daughter. But if you lose, I don't want you near her anymore. It's not that I don't like you Minjeong, I think you're perfect for her, but I love her and need to protect her. If you truly loved her, you'd know what was right for her."

The door suddenly opened and Jimin entered. She physically let out a breath of relief after finding Minjeong and approached Minjeong for a hug. "There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. I see you're bonding with my dad, anyway, dinner's ready." Jimin said while nuzzling her nose into Minjeong's neck.

The latter nodded and looked at Mr. Yu. "We were just talking about you."

Jimin pulled away from Minjeong's neck and looked at the younger girl. "Well I hope it wasn't anything embarrassing."

Minjeong finally broke her gaze from Mr. Yu and turned to smile at Jimin. She shook her head softly and kissed Jimin's mole.

Eventually the three headed down and went to eat dinner with Mrs. Yu joining as well. After a nice little chat, Minjeong thought it was best for her to go home tonight which Jimin found weird. She always slept over after a visit to the house but suddenly decided not to. It was probably because she couldn't stop thinking of Mr. Yu's words.


It's finally finals day and with the weird schedule change, their last final was chemistry. The endless hours of tutoring and studying were going to finally pay off for this moment.

Meanwhile, Minjeong and Jimin haven't really met up much after the dinner at Jimin's house. They both had to double up on practice times because the match was coming up. Either the older one cancelled because she had training or the younger one would make up an excuse to go to training.

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