Chapter 20

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Jimin stares at the promise rings that she bought for herself and Minjeong. And her heart broke at the thought of never giving it to her, but it was soon replaced with annoyance at the thought of the girl.

"Jimin-ah. Come downstairs, we're opening our gifts now. Aeri just arrived." Yeji said as she ran into her room to retrieve the girl.

The girls still weren't over their heart break and they didn't know how they'd get through this day without their significant other, but what could they do.

Jimin sadly smiled and Yeji reciprocated it before slowly grabbing Jimin's hands and pulling the girl up. Jimin left the rings in her drawer and headed downstairs with Yeji.

"Finally, and we thought she'd never come down." Yuna exclaimed as she excitedly eyed the gifts.

The girls began opening the gifts that they got each other and showed gratitude for each one.

Eventually the excitement calmed down and everyone was chatting amongst themselves. Jimin was sitting quietly, lost in her thoughts.

She imagined what could've been happening if they were still together but it pained her to know it wasn't real.

"How are you holding up?" Aeri asked as she took a seat next to Jimin.

"Fine." Jimin forced a small smile and sighed.

"It must be hard." Aeri said softly.

Jimin gave in and nodded. "I wish she was here. I wish yesterday never happened, but it did. And now I know the truth."

"Are you sure it's the truth though?" Aeri asked which made Jimin whip her head at her.

"What else could there be?" Jimin furrowed her brows.

"It's..." Minjeong said not to tell. Aeri thought. "It's nothing. I'm sorry."

Jimin's face softened and nudged Aeri's shoulder.

"It's okay. It's probably a lot to take in anyway." Jimin sighed and looked up and saw Aeri's charm bracelet. "Hey this is pretty. When'd you get it?" Jimin examined the charm and saw 'Simp 1' written on it. "Why is there a number?"

"'s nothing. Yizhuo got this for me." Aeri nervously laughed and cleared her throat before departing from the girl.

Jimin shook off her friend's weirdness and averted her attention to the rest of her friends.


Minjeong's POV

"Will you love me forever?" Jimin asked as she looked up at me.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I love you? You mean everything to me." I looked down and smiled before placing a small peck on Jimin's forehead.

Jimin giggled and curled herself more into my side.

'You also mean everything to me. Remember that.' I tried to voice out my thoughts but nothing came out of my mouth.

Suddenly everything went black and Jimin faded away from my touch.

"Rina! Baby! Where'd you go?" I shouted, but still no sound, and I tried to clear my vision from the blowing wind around me.

Once everything settled, my parents came in front of me.

"You ungrateful bitch!" My father slapped me across the face and stared down at me in disgust.

"How dare you date a woman?!? You're going to ruin your career! Our partnered companies are going to run from us because we have a daughter like you!" My mother angrily huffed.

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