Chapter 13

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Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for reading my story and I'm very thankful for you all. Double update :)

Meanwhile Ryujin was driving Minjeong's car back to her house with the quiet girl. The only words exchanged were for directions to Minjeong's house.

"Minjeongie." Ryujin softly muttered as they came to a red light. "Minjeong-ah."

Before Ryujin could say anything, she was startled by the car in the back honking at them to move when the light turned green.

Ryujin hissed but moved forward anyway.

The two drove in silence for the rest of the ride and all that was heard were her soft sniffles.

Ryujin slowly rolled in Minjeong's driveway and they exited the car.

Minjeong entered to an empty house and remembered Seulgi's been absent due to her constant sleepovers at Irene's. The only time they meet up is for training.

Minjeong's POV

It's good to know unnie's having some fun.

I turned around to face Ryujin who was only a couple steps behind me. She had a worried expression on her face and it made me smile at how supportive she's been for me.

"You can go back if you want. I'll be fine on my own."

"Is no one else home?" Ryujin asked as she closed the front door.

I shook my head as I turned around to take in the emptiness, something I've been used to.

" guardian is out right now."

"Oh. Sorry, but may I ask?"

"It's fine. My parents are still around, or at least in the states." Minjeong explained as she took a seat on the couch and beckoned Ryujin to join her.

"Sorry for assuming."

"No, it's okay. I guess it's my fault for never telling anyone about it."

"Wait, so you haven't told-"

"Nope. Not even her." Minjeong said as she was suddenly reminded of the person that held her heart.

"Listen, Minjeong I just want you to know that I'm here for you. You can tell me what's going on or what you're thinking in that mind of yours."

"I...uhm...I've never cried over somebody before, besides when my grandma passed. When I moved here, I never cried for my friends that I'd be leaving behind, I never cried when I was continually abused and insulted by my parents, I never cried when I heard their yelling at night, so I don't know why I'm crying for her." Minjeong turned to face Ryujin with her eyes welling up with tears for the hundredth time that day. "Why does it hurt so much here?" Minjeong asked she roughly rubbed her chest, trying to ease the pain.

Ryujin had her own set of tears waiting to fall as well, but she sucked it in and sat closer to Minjeong. She hugged the crying girl and patted her back. "I-I don't know Minjeong. Love can do that sometimes. We have to trust that the person we love will keep our hearts safe, and it can be unfair at times because they can break it so easily. But the love we receive back is always worth the risk. Jimin unnie, I believe there's more to it. So please don't lose hope on her yet, Minjeongie."

Minjeong shook her head softly as she desperately tried to wipe away her tears. "Didn't you hear what she said? I'm just a joke to her. And, I know she didn't initiate the kiss with her, but she didn't stop it either. I just-I just need some time to think." Minjeong said and softly smiled at her supportive friend. "Thank you Ryujin. I really appreciate your help and I would take you home but I don't think it's safe for me to drive so you can take my car if you'd like."

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