Chapter 23

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[TW]: contains some abusive behavior and talks about sexual orientation

"...The reveal!" The host exclaimed. Jimin and Minjeong stood center stage again. This time, they were facing each other. "Let's start with our anonymous fighter WK, shall we? Everyone count with me. "

"In one...two...three!" Everyone yelled.

Minjeong reached under her mask to take out her mouth piece first and handed it to one of her staff. Then she lowered her head and slowly took off her mask from the side with one arm. As she raised her head again, she looked straight into Jimin's eyes.

"And our anonymous fighter is Winter Kim, the 2021 UFC Lightweight Champion!" The host yelled in disbelief. Gasps could be heard throughout the entire stadium.

No. Jimin thought as she stood there stunned to see the girl standing in front of her.

The girl in front of her was Minjeong, the only difference was the blood and bruising on her face but she was still Minjeong. Her Minjeong.

"Minjeong?" Jisu furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at the bruised face of Minjeong.

"She was Jimin unnie's opponent?!?" Chaeryeong exclaimed and widened her eyes.

"Isn't that..." Yizhuo gasped as she covered her mouth with one hand and the other gripped onto Aeri's shoulder.

"Minjeong." Aeri softly said and gave Minjeong a small smile when their eyes met for a second.

"You knew?" Yizhuo asked as she looked at Aeri's unfazed face.

She turned towards Yizhuo. "I'll explain later."

It can't be. The missed dates. The sudden disappearances. Jimin tried to find any reason that could logically answer the questions in her head. But she knew it could never be fulfilled if it didn't come from the girl across from her.

But the bruises and the bleeding. She caused all of Minjeong's physical pain, and all this time the latter was holding back just so she couldn't hurt her.

What have I done? Jimin thought.

"Winter, wow. Excuse me for my reaction earlier. So, how do you feel about tonight?" The host asked as he handed Minjeong the mic.

Minjeong finally broke eye contact with Jimin before facing forward and into the camera. She slapped a smile on her face which was usual routine for her after every match.

"I'm...feeling great. My opponent..." Minjeong turned to give Jimin a genuine smile before facing the front again. "...she's amazing. And I know the people rooting for me are probably disappointed with my outcome tonight and I'm sorry to disappoint you again with what I'm going to say next but..." Minjeong closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Everyone in the room held their breaths with the girl and Jimin watched nervously for the girl. "...I guess I'm deciding to end my short-lived career in the UFC."

Gasps and murmurs erupted once again as cameras flashed and flooded Minjeong's eyesight.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim grew furious at the sudden confession and were about to walk up to Minjeong, but strong arms prevented them from moving forward.

"Let us go!" Mr. Kim yelled out, struggling to get out of the bodyguards' grips.

"Let her finish." Seulgi said, dangerously low.

"I have decided to pursue my love for music so if you ever see a familiar face in the music industry, it's most likely me. And I couldn't have asked for a better opponent to have my final match with. So thank you..." Minjeong fully turned to face Jimin with glossy eyes. "...thank you for giving me a life-lasting memory." Minjeong said before handing the mic back to the host and sending one more sad smile to Jimin then left the cage to head backstage. Applause was hear throughout the entire arena, commending Minjeong for her hard work.

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