Chapter 26

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"Just go. Please." Minjeong begged as she finally opened her eyes and looked at Jimin through her own glossy eyes.

Jimin wanted to hug the girl right then and there, but she knew it wasn't the right time. They both were high on emotions and needed to settle some things first.

Finally, when Jimin left the room, Minjeong swallowed the lump in her throat and blinked away the tears. She planted her left hand on the bed and hoisted herself up so she could slide under the covers again. Minjeong bit her lip to try and suppress the sounds of pain coming out of her mouth.

After much struggling, Minjeong was back to staring at the ceiling, trying to minimize her movement. If the situation was different, then she'd have a hard time falling asleep but in her case, the painkillers and the headache was taking a toll on her which allowed the darkness surround her.

Jimin came walking down the stairs as she wiped her tears away. She entered the living room to see all of her friends on the couch with a mug in front of them.

Seulgi was the first to notice. "Jimin, would you like some tea?"

Jimin shook her head and gave a soft smile.

Yeji looked at the girl and her eyes softened. "Come." Yeji said with open arms. If Minjeong had Ryujin and Aeri, then Jimin had Yeji. Ryujin stood up to let Jimin sit next to her girlfriend. Yeji gave Jimin a tight hug and rubbed her back. "Did you guys talk?"

Jimin was quiet for a moment, replaying their conversation in her head. "I think she's trying to push me away." Jimin sadly mumbled.

"I'm sure she'll come around. It's been a rough couple of days for her. Just let her rest." Yeji said.

"Is she asleep?" Ryujin asked as she fidgeted with her fingers. Jimin pulled away from the hug and looked at the girl. She nodded and sighed as she hid her face in her hands. "Unnie did you give her painkillers?" Ryujin continued to ask as she looked at Seulgi now.

"Yeah." Seulgi simply replied.

"The dose isn't as strong as the one in the hospital right?" Ryujin grew nervous.

"I don't think so, but it will make her a bit drowsy so it's best for her to sleep for a couple hours."

"Why Ryujin?" Yeji looked at Ryujin as everyone in the room grew confused at the girl's questioning.

"It's nothing." Ryujin waved off their suspicion and put on a quick smile.

"While we wait for Minjeong unnie, what should we do?" Yizhuo asked as she leaned back on the couch.

At that moment, Yuna's stomach grumbled.

"I guess we should eat." Aeri joked, earning some laughter from the girls.

They went to the kitchen and decided to order some take out since the only person who could cook was currently asleep.

About half an hour later the food arrived and they all ate, except for Seulgi since she already filled her stomach earlier. After eating and cleaning up, they sat back down on the couch.

No one was in the mood for a movie or games since Minjeong still wasn't with them. So instead, they just talked some more.

"Jimin, this might be a bad time but may I have your parents' phone number. I want to call them about Minjeong's parents." Seulgi held her phone out to the girl.

Jimin nodded and punched in her dad's number before handing it back to Seulgi.

"Thank you. I'll be back." Seulgi said and walked outside to make the call.

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