Chapter 6

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3rd Person's POV
Throughout the next two weeks, Minjeong's been learning to settle in a bit more. She's adjusted to her classes better and her friends seem a bit more comfortable.

They still do go around whispering with each other but she tries to not be hurt about it and allow them their privacy. Yeji also told Ryujin about the incident on Minjeong's first day of school and since then, she's accompanied the two of them to their last period.

Jimin still throws those flirtatious jokes at Minjeong during their morning runs, but sometimes Jimin distances herself from Minjeong at school which leaves the shorter one confused all the time. In the beginning, Minjeong thought she was catching feelings for the taller one but she keeps getting mixed signals. One moment, she'd catch Jimin stealing glances at her but another, she would suddenly get a cold shoulder.

Today was the start of a new week which meant she had chemistry, then math, and then english.

As usual, all the girls met up in the same spot with the exception of Jimin. The girls were prepared to answer Minjeong's questions on Jimin's absence but Minjeong didn't say a word. She already knew that Jimin was taking turns with this other group so she tried not to think about it too much.

As if she was saved by the bell, first period started and everyone filed into their respective classes. Minjeong took her spot next to Yuna and gave her a polite smile before setting up for the lesson. She tried not to steal glances at the older one that was a few rows in front of her, but her dark blue hair was distracting since it looked so soft from the back.

"Hey, so are you up for it?" Yuna asked quietly.

Minjeong turned to Yuna in slight shock. She had totally forgotten about the tutoring thing.

"Uh...give me a moment." Minjeong said. Yuna nodded and turned to the front again.

Okay, uhm...the classes this year aren't hard. Homework won't be an issue. My practices are late at night so that won't be an issue. I'd most likely have to be home by 5:30 to cook dinner. I'm pretty much available the rest of the day. Minjeong thought.

"Yuna..." Minjeong whispered. She looked back at Minjeong and dropped her head a bit to not get caught like last time. "We can start today."

Yuna's eyes turned from half crescents to full moons. "Wait really? Are you sure? I mean, thank you." She whispered excitedly.

"I think this is the first time someone's been excited to have tutoring after school." Minjeong replied with a smile.

"You don't understand. Me and my friends have been looking for a tutor that could put up with us for the past year and a half. We barely passed last year's classes without a tutor but we're all on borderline failing grades in this class. And that's before the big finals." Yuna said.

Minjeong could see Yuna face turn a bit gloomy. She understands how it feels to be retaking a class. Before she got ahead on studying, she failed a class and her parents weren't happy with her at all. They forced her to take tutoring for every class and even read a couple years ahead, just in case. It wasn't fun but it became a habit and old habits die hard.

"Hey it's fine. I'll make sure you guys pass with flying colors. We still have a couple months before the finals, we have time." Minjeong said encouragingly.

"Thank you. Here's my number. And let me text the girls that we can start today then." Yuna said and quietly took out her phone. Once she gave the number to Minjeong and sent the message, Minjeong saw Jimin, Chaeryeong, Yeji, and Ryujin all discreetly put their heads down at the same time.

That's not weird at all. Minjeong thought.

About two hours later, the class ended and everyone left class.

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