35. Psycho

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"Hi, Olive. Thought you could run away and hide?"

The second I hear his voice, my heart drops. "Nate," I say, completely shocked that my crazy, abusive ex-boyfriend is standing on JJ's doorstep looking at me.

Nate smiles at me evilly before taking a step closer to me. I instinctively step back, worried he's going to hurt me. He looks at me confused for a second before chuckling to himself and holding his hands up in surrender. "I'm not here to cause a fight, baby doll," he says, smiling insincerely at me and using the pet name I never liked.

I shake my head and cross my arms across my chest. "Why are you here? Better question, how the hell did you find me?" I question him, getting pissed off just looking at his smug expression. He's enjoying this.

"I always find you, remember? I've been looking for you. Went around a few places in town asking where you lived, somehow I ended up here. This piece of shit your house? No wonder your mom left you," he says, egging me on. All he ever wanted was a reaction from me before he smacked the attitude away. Before I can slap him or say something snarky in response, I hear a car door slam.

I look around Nate's shoulder to see a shirtless JJ and John B walking towards the door that Nate is standing in front of. Nate turns around to see what I'm looking at, scoffing slightly at the sight of two boys coming to my rescue. This should be interesting.

"Hey, man. What're you doing? How can we help you?" JJ asks, moving around Nate and standing by my side. He wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I instantly feel safer in his arms, but I remember who's standing in front of us.

Nate stares at JJ's arm around my waist for a few seconds before looking directly at me. "I want my girlfriend to come back home. Things haven't been the same since you ran off to this shithole," he says, not caring that I obviously moved on.

JJ looks down at me confused as I shake my head no. "First of all, I'm not your girlfriend anymore. Second of all, things haven't been the same because I'm not there for you to hit whenever you get pissed off. And third, stop shitting on the place I call home. You're not welcome here," I say, putting him in his place.

JJ smiles at me, proud that I stuck up for myself before turning his attention to Nate. "You have ten seconds to get the fuck off my property before I shoot you in the fucking face," he says, venom in his voice. JJ knows all about Nate, that is, how badly he hurt me and how often he hurt me.

Nate looks JJ up and down before turning around and sizing up John B too, who has been standing behind him this whole time. He turns back around and shrugs his shoulders. "I'll come back later. Olive and I have some catching up to do," he says, turning around and starting to walk away before John B pushes him back slowly.

"Are you the psycho ex that almost killed her back in New York?" John B asks, getting all up in his face and practically spitting at him out of anger.

Nate laughs slightly, standing up taller to appear tough. "Nothing the bitch didn't deserve. I'm sure you've thought about it at some point, huh big guy?" he asks, completely serious.

The next thing I know, Nate's on the ground with JJ and John B on top of him. They take turns punching and kicking him, and it's honestly satisfying to watch. Seeing my ex-boyfriend who repeatedly hit me to the point I couldn't hear out of my right ear or walk on my own finally getting a taste of his own medicine is PRICELESS. John B and JJ take turns yelling at him, saying things like "she's my fucking sister you piece of shit" and "you deserve to rot in hell" over and over. After a few minutes, Nate's on the ground battered and bruised like no other. JJ and John B struggle from taking it any farther, but nonetheless, they stop.

Nate is lying on the ground knocked out, so John B takes that as his sign to leave and go get help. Sheriff Shoupe tends to be on our side of things, so he knows to go straight to him and explain the history with Nate. JJ stands up straight and turns back around to me, and I notice how beat up his hands are. I chuckle slightly to myself before leading him into the house and to the bathroom. I'm not worried about Nate waking up anytime soon, he's out cold.

JJ sits on the bathroom counter waiting for me to clean up his hands before he breaks the silence. "I can't believe he came here. He must have some major attachment to you or something to find you out here. I mean, this isn't even really your house. How the fuck did he find you?" he asks, spitting out all his questions at once.

I shrug my shoulders and apply a cold washcloth to his hands. "Beats me. He mentioned asking around town about me, but I doubt anyone said much. I'm just glad you guys got back when you did, I was about to say something that pissed him off," I admit, eternally grateful for JJ and John B for being there to defend me.

JJ puts his hand on mine to get my attention, so I look into his eyes. "You know I'll always protect you, right? You never have to worry about him or anyone like him ever again," he assures me.

I nod and give him a soft smile before leaning in and kissing his lips tenderly. "I know. I love you, Jay. Thank you," I reply before going back to cleaning his hands. I realize the topical cream I need to put on his hands is in my purse in the living room, so I get up to go grab it. Before I make it out the door, JJ grabs my hand and pulls me to him. I giggle as our lips meet in a sweet but longer kiss, taking our time enjoying each other. After a few seconds I pull away and smile, blowing him a kiss as I walk out. "I'll be right back. Two seconds!" I shout as I walk to the living room.

I look around for my purse for a few seconds before finding it on the coffee table. I reach down to grab the topical cream as I'm being pushed down onto the ground. Before I can react, I'm getting kicked in the side repeatedly. I start screaming for help as Nate kicks me over and over again, not realizing how hard he's kicking or the fact he's kicking directly at my stomach. It feels like I'm on the ground for hours before JJ tackles him to the ground, quickly winning dominance and punching him. Tears stream down my face as I curl up into a ball in the corner, not able to process anything or even feel the pain that I know I'm feeling.

Before I know it, I pass out. Last thing I remember is seeing JJ reach for his gun.


word count: 1318

DRAMAAAAA! Plus another major cliff-hanger, of course. It was only a matter of time until someone from Olivia's past came to town for a little 'friendly' visit. I made Shoupe the new sheriff because I think he's gonna have major character development next season! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and aren't too mad at me for the cliffhangers! It's getting really good y'all :)

xoxo, C ❣️

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