59. Truth or Dare

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"What are we drinking to?" John B asks the group, all of us with shot glasses in our hands.

We decided to open an expensive bottle of tequila that's been at the Chateau for years to take shots with. We've been drinking since noon, mostly beer and seltzers. It's now 2:30, and I've probably had 4 drinks at this point, so I'm definitely tipsy but not drunk yet. It was John B's brilliant idea to start taking shots, and this will be shot #3. Pope's been downing beers like they're water, not to mention the shots — he's already wasted. Sarah is a lightweight and has been drunk for the past hour while John B and JJ are getting there.

It was a beautiful sunny morning until clouds came and the rain followed, so we moved the party inside. JJ and I took the chair while Sarah, John B, and Pope are on the couch. JJ has a shot in one hand and my thigh in the other, keeping a strong grip while occasionally moving his thumb in circles on my skin. I'm sitting like I did yesterday so I can see everyone, with my shot in my hands.

Pope looks around the room at all of us before standing up and wobbling slightly before catching his balance. He raises his shot glass up high before giving us a short speech. "This shot is for people that don't cheat on their significant others. Especially with a guy who has repeatedly tried to kill me," Pope says before taking his shot and making a sour face afterwards.

None of us know whether to laugh or even smile at his speech, so we just take the shot and feel the burn. The burning taste in my throat is nasty, and I find myself reaching for my seltzer on the coffee table as a chaser. "Chasing a shot with another drink? I knew I was marrying you for the right reasons," JJ says, squeezing my thigh.

I take a big swig of the seltzer before looking at JJ. "And here I was thinking you were marrying me because of my body," I joke around, smiling at him. JJ shakes his head and leans forward to peck my lips.

Before he can respond, Sarah gets our attention. "We should play a game," she suggests.

"A drinking game?" John B asks, and she rolls her eyes.

"No, a video game. Yes, a drinking game you handsome idiot!" Sarah says, slapping John B's chest playfully.

John B raises his hands up in defeat before agreeing. "So what game should we play?" he asks.

"Truth or dare?" JJ suggest, raising his hand in the air as if to be called on.

I giggle at him and nod. "I haven't played that in forever. Let's do it," I agree.

Everyone else nods and agrees, so we start the game. We all grab another drink before sitting back in our spots.

"Who wants to start?" Sarah asks the group, and we all shrug our shoulders.

"I'll go first," Pope says before putting a finger to his chin and thinking of who to pick. "Olivia, truth or dare?" he asks me.

"Dare," I say without hesitation.

"Hmm... I dare you to call a random person in your contacts and tell them you love them," Pope says.

I roll my eyes jokingly and grab my phone. "Too easy," I say before scrolling through my contacts and clicking one after a few seconds. I chuckle when I realize it's Wheezie Cameron.

"Who is it?" Pope asks, anxious to know.

I feel everyone's eyes on me as I push the call button. I put a finger on my lips as if to say shhh, and when Wheezie answers the phone I simply greet her with an "I love you," before hanging up.

"Oh come on, who did you call? Was it Rafe? Or your mom? Or some random dude?" Pope asks, wanting to know.

I laugh at him and decide to stop playing games and tell the group. "It was Wheezie. She said 'hey Livvy, what's up?' and I said I love you before hanging up, as you heard. Told you it was too easy," I admit.

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