46. Pool Day

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It's 9 p.m. by the time we're on the road back to the OBX. The first few hours of the drive go by quickly, but when midnight hits fatigue starts to hit. We all smoked another blunt when we first got in the car, the weed mixed with exhaustion hitting very hard. John B swore he was good to drive, so he's currently driving with Sarah in the passenger seat with the rest of us in the back. I fell asleep leaning against JJ's arm and am woken up by John B poking my cheek. I open my eyes and ask him what he wants.

"Can you drive for a bit? I was falling asleep and don't want to be the reason we all die," John B says, giving me puppy dog eyes.

I sigh and nod. "Sure," I say and move to the driver's seat. I look around the van and see everyone is asleep; that's a sign it was a great day. I plug my phone into aux and play One Direction quietly, not wanting to wake anyone up. I check the time and see it's already 2 a.m., so we only have about 2 more hours until we're back in the Cut. "I can make it two more hours," I tell myself, slapping my cheek to keep myself awake. Shockingly the next two hours go by fast and before I know it, I'm pulling up to JJ's house. I decided to come here first so JJ and I don't have to drive from the Chateau back here. John B or someone else can drive the Twinkie back to the Chateau. I put the car in park and open the door, going to the back to wake up JJ and John B.

I do what John B did to me, poke his cheek. He wakes up and looks at me confused before looking around and realizing we're at JJ's house. "Why are we here?" he asks me.

"I figured you could drive everyone else back to the Chateau and JJ and I get out here since it's on the way," I reply, and John B nods.

"Smart thinking, sis," John B says, high-fiving me before getting out and sitting back in the driver's seat.

I smile and wake up JJ by kissing his cheek and putting my hand on his knee. He wakes up and rubs his eyes before looking at me. "Well hello there, beautiful," he says. Even when he's sleep-deprived and just waking up, he's flirty.

"Come on sleepyhead, we're home," I tell him, reaching for his hand and basically dragging him out of the Twinkie. Since everyone is asleep, we just wave at John B goodnight and watch as he drives off to the Chateau.

"Let's go to bed, I'm fucking tired," JJ says, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer to him as we walk into the house. He locks the front door and then we make our way to the bedroom.

I yawn and agree. "I drove the last few hours, so I couldn't agree more," I say, and he looks at me shocked.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I could've driven for you," he says, being protective and not liking the idea of me driving in the middle of the night when I'm exhausted.

"It was fine, I don't mind night driving. But the exhaustion is hitting now... big time," I admit while taking off my clothes from today and putting on comfier clothes. I don't even bother to wash my face or brush my teeth, all I care about is going to bed this instant. I hop in bed and hold out my arms, waiting for JJ to come and snuggle me.

He takes off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers before getting into bed with me. He lays in my arms so I'm cuddling him, and I run my hands through his hair until we fall asleep like that.

I'm woken up by my phone ringing. I open one eye to see if it's really ringing or I'm just dreaming, and sadly my phone is lighting up on the nightstand. I look over and see JJ isn't in bed with me, so I assume it's him calling. I pick up the phone and answer without checking called ID, saying "hey babe, what's up?".

"Well hello to you too, Juliet," Rafe says. I quickly open my eyes and slap myself on the forehead for not checking who was calling me.

"Sorry I-I thought you were JJ," I say, embarrassed I called him babe. This is only going to boost his image of me in his head... shit.

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