24. I Choose You

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"I feel like the luckiest guy in the world," JJ says, running his fingers through my hair and smiling down at me. We spent the past few hours running around the beach messing with each other before laying down to watch the sunset. JJ got a blanket from his truck for us to lay on, knowing how much I love watching the sunset on the ocean. My head is on his lap while we listen to the sound of waves crashing and watch the colors of the sky changing as night creeps in. I look up and smile, meeting JJ's eyes. "I have a question," he says, his tone serious.

I sit up and move next to him, linking our fingers together. "I have an answer," I reply, smiling nervously at the boy I love.

"Are you and Rafe still... friends?" JJ asks, pausing before the word 'friends'. He looks down at our hands entwined together, nervous for my answer.

I take a deep breath and nod. "Yeah, we are. These past few weeks I've made it abundantly clear that we will never be more than friends. If he makes a move in any way, the friendship is over. I can't risk losing you over a guy that is supposed to be my friend," I answer, speaking from my heart and being honest.

"Why can't you just cut him off?" he blurts out, meeting my eyes and clenching his jaw. I can tell he's trying to keep his anger inside, not wanting to blow up and cause an argument.

"He's a really good friend to me, JJ. I don't want to lose someone that I can rely on. I want you to trust me enough to be okay with this. But if being friends with Rafe means losing you, then I will cut ties," I reply, squeezing his hand gently as reassurance.

He scans my face for any sign of doubt or lie before nodding. "Okay. I think me and the kook prince need to sit down and have a conversation though, man-to-man," he says.

I laugh, knowing he's serious but happy that he wants to talk with Rafe for once. "I can arrange a meeting, but I will be there to mediate. Deal?" I reply, holding out my other hand for him to shake.

JJ smiles and shakes my hand, "deal."

I turn my focus back to the ocean, noticing the sky is much darker than it was 5 minutes earlier and the tide is much stronger. "I think Mother Nature is telling us to leave," I laugh while standing up and holding my hand out for JJ to take.

He laughs with me and grabs my hand, standing up and grabbing the blanket. "What mama wants, mama gets," he jokes while we make our way to the parking lot. As soon as I see his truck, I take off running knowing JJ will follow suit in a race. "You sneaky, sneaky girl," he shouts, chasing after me. The blanket and surprise of the race seemed to slow him down, because I beat him to his truck.

I sit on the back of the truck waiting for JJ to get there, smirking when he sees me. "I thought you were a soccer player, Maybank," I say, taunting him for losing the race.

JJ shakes his head and throws the blanket somewhere behind me before putting his hands on my knees. "I'll get you back for that, Routledge," he says, rubbing circles against my knees and smiling at me.

I find myself lost in his eyes, entranced watching as they sparkle when he looks at me. I find myself falling more in love with every passing moment. I come back to reality and jump off the truck, standing in front of JJ. I don't think twice before wrapping my arms around his waist and burying myself in his chest. I missed the way his arms feel around me and the smell of his cologne. I just missed him.

He chuckles before wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head lovingly. "What's this for? Not that I'm complaining," he asks, not breaking our embrace.

I smile and bury my head in his chest even more. "I just missed you. You make me feel safe," I admit, blushing despite him not being able to see my face.

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