42. Road Trip

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As soon as we returned to JJ's house, I passed out on his bed. I didn't even change my clothes, I just laid down and went to sleep. I planned on sleeping in as late as possible but JJ's phone began ringing bright and early.

"What time is it?" I ask as JJ reaches for his phone that's ringing.

"It's 6 am, who the fuck is up this early?" he asks, rubbing his eyes and sitting up to answer the phone. He doesn't check caller ID before answering, wanting to get the phone call over with as soon as possible. "Hello?" he answers the phone.

I sit up and lean my head on his arm comfortably and to try and listen to the phone call. "Hey man, I have an idea!" I hear John B say through the phone, sounding excited.

JJ laughs and runs a hand through his hair before replying. "An idea for what?" he asks.

"Is Olivia there? It's a surprise for her... sort of," John B says and I give JJ a look that says 'huh?'.

JJ nods but then realizes John B can't see him nodding. "Yeah, let me go to the living room real quick" he says, standing up and going to the living room to finish the conversation. I lay confused in bed for a minute before getting up. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth since I didn't last night. I feel gross this morning, but some coffee and a shower will help. Now that I know John B is planning something for me I'm wide awake trying to figure out what it could possibly be. I decide to shower since I won't be able to fall asleep again and I may have to do something soon for this surprise.

I'm rinsing out my shampoo when JJ opens the bathroom door and comes in. I peak my head out from the shower and smile at him, hoping he'll tell me what the surprise is. "Soooo..." I start, urging him to tell me.

JJ runs a hand through his hair and smiles half heartedly at me. "Sorry Liv, I promised John B I wouldn't tell you," he says, watching as my expression turned from curious and excited to annoyed and confused.

"Can I at least know when this surprise will take place?" I ask, closing the shower curtain and continuing with my shower.

"Today. We're going to the Chateau as soon as you're ready," he says, and I open the shower curtain again.

"That soon? It's only like 6:15 in the morning!" I complain, looking at JJ with wide eyes. None of us like waking up early... this is weird.

"It'll be worth it, I promise," JJ says, smiling at me and taking a step forward to be closer to me but still outside of the shower. "Now can I please join you?" he asks, leaning forward to kiss me but I dodge his lips.

"Nope," I say, dragging out the 'p' sound. I giggle when I see him pout in response. "You won't tell me what the surprise is, so no sex," I say matter-of-factly.

He throws his head back dramatically and sighs. "This isn't fair. I'm gonna kill John B," he says before exiting the bathroom and accepting defeat.

I laugh and continue showering and then I finish my after shower routine. Fifteen minutes later, I exit the bathroom and go straight to the closet to find something to wear. "Jay? What should I wear?" I turn around and ask him. He's laying on the bed scrolling through his phone while I finish getting ready.

JJ looks up from his phone and checks me out, seeing I'm only in a towel. He puts his phone down and stands up, coming to stand behind me as I turn around to look at the clothes. I've hung up some of my clothes in JJ's closet since I basically live here. I look through the different shirts and dresses to see my options when I feel JJ's hands on my hips. I feel my cheeks turn red at the contact. He uses his hand to move my hair to one side then leans down and starts kissing my neck softly. I lean into his touch and hold his head with my hand, not wanting him to stop. My eyes shut as he starts taking off my towel, but I remember why we're up this early in the first place and I snap back to reality. I put my hands over his and he stops what he's doing, making a confused 'hmm?' sound.

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