58. "Let's Get Obliterated"

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This chapter contains mature sexual content.

"Olivia! Wake up wake up wake up!" Sarah says loudly while her she shakes my shoulder to wake me up.

I groan and turn over, opening one eye to look at her. "No," I say before closing my eye and turning away from her. It's then when I notice JJ isn't in bed with me anymore, so I open my eyes and pout.

"JJ is with John B. They're getting beer and some more weed; Pope called 20 minutes ago and said he had news. You know what that means,"
Sarah says, frowning at the end.

I sit up and rub my eyes before talking with Sarah. "So basically we're about to get sloshed at — what time is it?" I ask.

Sarah quickly answers "11:45".

"We're about to get drunk and high out of our minds at 11:45 a.m. This will be a very interesting day," I say, mentally preparing myself for the day ahead.

"Our main goal is to make sure Pope is okay. If that means he blacks out or gets so high he can't talk, so be it!" Sarah says, sitting on the bed in front of me.

I nod. "For sure. I still can't believe Kie," I say, looking down at my hands nervously. Sarah was so mad yesterday, I can only imagine she's still pissed.

"If I see Pope cry today, I will not hesitate to punch her in the face," Sarah says, and I look up at the girl in front of me.

"I can practically see the steam coming from you," I laugh. "But I agree. I never thought she would cheat on him, let alone with Rafe," I say.

"Me neither. Both of my best friends have slept with my brother. It's disgusting," Sarah says, shuddering at the thought.

I chuckle before putting my hand on top of Sarah's. "Trust me, I understand. Thinking of my brother and you having sex makes me want to throw up," I say.

Sarah laughs before standing up. "So we're in agreement," she says before running her hands through her hair. "I'm gonna shower before the boys get back," she says.

I look down at what I'm wearing, seeing the same shirt of JJ's I've worn for the past few nights clung to my body. "I should probably shower too," I laugh before standing up myself.

Sarah smiles at me before leaving the room and going across the hall to shower in John B's room. I take that as my cue to shower as well, so I make my way to the bathroom. I shut the door and take off my clothes before starting the shower, waiting for it to heat up before I get in. I set my phone on the counter and turn the music up all the way, blasting Harry Styles. "There's no better way to start the day then with my first husband," I say to myself before getting in the shower. I sing along to Harry as I do my normal shower routine, making sure to shave and exfoliate. I'm rinsing off my shower gel when I hear the bathroom door open and then shut, so I peek my head out of the shower curtain to see if it's JJ. I smile when I see him checking himself out in the mirror. I don't realize I'm giggling at him until he turns around and comes closer to the shower, smiling back at me.

"Good morning, sunshine," JJ says, pecking my lips and leaning against the wall next to him.

"Sunshine? I like that," I smile before continuing. "I missed you this morning," I tell him.

JJ smirks and puts his hand on the shower curtain as if he wants to peak inside, but I pull it tighter against me. I feel the hot water against my back as I look in his eyes, knowing what direction this is going. "Really? Prove it," he says, the smirk not leaving his face.

My cheeks turn red as I blush, and I decide to have a little bit of fun. I let go of the shower curtain and move back into the shower, getting my hair wet again and holding in a laugh when I hear him hit his head against the wall dramatically. I wait a minute before poking my head out again and looking at him. "Are you joining me or what?" I say, smiling before going back into the shower.

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