53. The Breakfast Club

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I wake up to the feeling of the bed moving, and I open my eyes to see if it's JJ. I notice it's still dark outside, so it's not morning yet. My heart beats faster when I see JJ's blonde hair. He's laying on his back with his eyes closed, clearly trying to fall asleep. I close my eyes and try to fall back asleep, but all I want to do is talk to him and apologize.

"Jay?" I whisper, not wanting to wake him if he's already asleep.

"Hmm?" JJ mutters, his eyes still closed.

I turn on my side to face him. "I'm sorry for earlier. You went through the same things I did and felt the same loss. I shouldn't have discredited your experience just because I was mad in the moment," I say, my voice quiet.

JJ opens his eyes and turns to look at me, putting his arm up so I come lay on his chest. I cuddle into him, feeling a million times better already. "I know, babe. We're still healing and it's gonna take time. I could tell you were getting emotional and that you needed space," he says before kissing the top of my head.

"I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for wanting to be safe and use protection. I don't know why I got so upset, I'm sorry for the way I reacted," I say, putting my hand on his chest and looking up at him. He runs his fingers through my hair as I look in his eyes. "I agree with you, by the way. We should be more careful considering how often we have sex," I add.

JJ nods. "I'm sure we'll get tired of using condoms and go back to our old ways soon enough," he smirks before leaning down and kissing my lips.

After a few seconds, I pull away and rest my head on his chest again. "Now that you're here I can get some real sleep," I say, closing my eyes and getting comfy.

I smile as I feel JJ laugh. "Glad I can be of service, princess Olivia," he says.

"Goodnight, prince JJ," I say, feeling myself falling asleep with every passing second.

"Sweet dreams, my girl," he says, and with that I fall asleep.

I wake up to the smell of burnt toast and I immediately know John B attempted to make breakfast for us. I untangle myself from where I'm snuggled up against JJ, trying my best not to wake him. I put on a pair of slippers and make my way to the kitchen, quietly shutting the door. I turn and look at JJ as I shut the door, smiling to myself at the sight of him sleeping. His mouth is open a tad bit and I'm sure he'll be snoring any minute.

I hear Sarah laughing as I turn the corner for the kitchen, so I make my presence known. "Another day, another toast burnt because of my idiot brother," I say, smiling as I see John B standing next to the toaster pouting. Sarah is sitting on the kitchen counter laughing at John B's cooking mishap.

John B looks over at me and flips me off. "I'm trying to be a good brother and make us breakfast and this is the thanks I get? My girlfriend laughing at me and my sister bullying me," he says while pulling the burnt pieces of toast out of the toaster oven. He tosses the burnt toast into the trash can, celebrating his throw with a little fist bump.

Sarah jumps down from the counter and kisses his cheek sweetly. "I'll do the cooking from now on," she says while walking to the fridge that I'm standing next to. "Are you guys fine with eggs and bacon?" she asks, looking between me and John B.

We both nod. "I can help you," I say, but Sarah shakes her head no.

"No no, I got it! You guys go sit on the couch and bond or whatever it is you were gonna do today," she says, smiling at us.

"Are you sure baby?" John B asks, standing behind Sarah and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Yes, now get out of here! This is my kitchen now," she says, pushing John B off of her so she can cook without distractions.

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