5. Birthday (part 1)

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"What the fuck is this? Get your asses up! JJ I swear I'm gonna kill you!" These are the first words I hear when I'm rudely woken up. I sit up and rub my eyes, looking at the person that was angrily yelling at 10 a.m. John B is standing on the other side of the bed glaring at JJ. Wait— JJ is in my bed. Shirtless. With me. This is gonna be bad.

JJ wakes up quickly when he realizes who is yelling at us, looking up to see John B giving him a death glare. He slowly backs up to put as much of his body behind me as possible as a shield. "Calm down, John B. You don't understand. We fell asleep talking and that's it," JJ says, attempting to calm him down.

John B's expression doesn't falter. "So that's why you're shirtless and she's in your fucking clothes? You guys were spooning a minute ago! You're telling me you fell asleep 'talking'? I swear to God JJ I'm gonna kill you," he yells.

I move myself to be more in front of JJ as John B gets angrier. I reach a hand out to try and reason with him, "he's telling the truth. I haven't unpacked my things so I had to borrow some of his clothes to sleep in. We were watching tv and talking when we fell asleep. You can stop acting like a psycho now!"

JJ takes this as his cue to add more fuel to the fire, "don't you think if I was gonna fuck your sister I'd at least lock the door? Come on man you know me better than that!"

I turn around and slap his arm, whispering "you're not helping!" before turning back around and seeing John B cracking his knuckles like he was seconds away from punching JJ in the face.

"John B, look at me. I said look at me!" I demand, putting a hand on John B's face, moving his focus from JJ to me. "JJ is a fucking idiot, yes. But he would never make a move on me. He knows the rule. We both do. Trust me, nothing happened and nothing will happen. Give me a lie detector test if you insist, just please believe us," I say, noticing him calm down a bit.

He looks between JJ and me, shaking his head. "You were too close for my comfort. But whatever. If I catch this shit again, I'm punching you in the throat, JJ. Put on a fucking shirt and get out of my sister's bed!" He yells, walking out of the room as dramatically as he entered.

Once he's gone and I hear his door slam across the hall, I get up and close the door. I let out a deep breath, looking at the boy in my bed. "Do you have a death wish? You made that 100 times worse! 'I'd at least lock the door' are you kidding me? Idiot," I say while making my way back to the bed to slap his arm again.

He grabs his arm, rubbing it dramatically. "I just woke up, okay? I'm not a morning person," he replies while grabbing his phone to look at the time. The date catches his eye, as he realizes the significance of today. "Oh shit-- happy birthday, Princess! Why didn't you say anything?" he stands up and gives me a hug, where we stay for a while. I love JJ hugs. 

I roll my eyes to myself, "You know I've never cared about my birthday. It's just another day to celebrate me, and I should be celebrated every day," I joke, earning a laugh from JJ. "I'm gonna go say happy birthday to JB," I say, walking away from JJ. When I reach the doorway, I turn to look at the blonde boy one last time and say "if you know what's good for you, put a shirt on and come beg for his forgiveness".

JJ nods in agreement as I make my way to John B's room. The door is open so I let myself in, only to find the one thing I never wanted to see: my brother macking on Sarah Cameron.

"Oh my god, my eyes!" I yell, running out of his room and back into the safety of my room.

JJ looks at me like I'm crazy, "what happened? Why are both of you being weird today? Is it because you're adults now?"

I shake my head and explain. "I just caught JB and Sarah macking in his room! I never want to see that ever again. Never ever again. That was traumatic!"

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