17. Conflictions

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After seeing Rafe's post on Instagram, JJ has been acting distant. It's only been a few hours, but the tension in the air is thick. He's obviously bothered by the post, but he's holding his thoughts and emotions inside. We agreed to go to Tannyhill at 5 p.m., giving us an hour and a half to talk or ignore each other, by the looks of it.

I take a deep breath and turn to JJ, watching him as he watches tv next to me on the couch, not looking away for even a second. "So... what's on your mind?" I question him, raising my eyebrows and smiling nervously. He looks at me and opens his mouth like he's about to say something, but he doesn't. I throw my head back in frustration. "I don't understand why you're mad at me when it's Rafe that posted that. I'm with you, JJ."

He gives me a 'really?' look and I throw my hands up to say 'what?'. "Why would you even agree to meet up with him? You know he just wants to take you from me. I don't trust him," JJ spits out, anger evident in his voice when he mentions Rafe.

"Do you trust me?" I ask him. Without hesitation, he nods. I place my hand on top of his and squeeze it lightly. "Don't worry about Rafe. I owe it to myself to get some closure on my past with him. Nothing he says or does will change anything. My heart belongs to you, JJ Maybank."

JJ leans in and kisses my lips tenderly before pulling away and resting his forehead against mine. "I don't think I should come with you," he says, and I pull away to look at him. I put my hand on his forehead to check his temperature, confused by what he just said. He laughs and grabs my hands, bringing them to his lips and kissing them. "If I went with you, I'd bring my gun... and I feel like using it. So I think it's best I don't go," he admits, and I laugh.

"You're more in love with your gun than me," I laugh, then fake pout by sticking my bottom lip out.

JJ smiles and moves my legs onto his lap, pulling me closer to him. "My gun is beautiful, yes. But you? You're fucking perfect. The most sexy woman in the world and somehow you're mine," he says, kissing my neck sweetly.

I giggle and play with his hair. "I'm the luckiest girl in the world," I admit. We smile at each other before leaning in, bringing our lips together in a sweet kiss before we hear footsteps coming down the hall and we pull away.

John B walks into the kitchen, not noticing we're sitting on the couch as he rummages through the fridge for something.

"Hey man," JJ says, alerting John B that we're here. John B jumps back a little bit, turning to look at us. He smiles for a second before turning red, which is when I notice he's barely wearing any clothes. His sweatpants are hanging low and his hair is messier than normal. Not to mention he's obviously hot since he's grabbing a gallon of water from the fridge and downing it. I shudder as I realize what he was doing in his room.

"Oh-uh hey guys. I'll just be... going. Yeah. Okay, bye!" John B says, his face flushing in embarrassment as he brings the gallon of water back to his room.

When the door slams, JJ and I turn to each other and burst out laughing. In between laughs, I notice the time. I should be leaving for Tannyhill soon if I want to be there on time. I stand up and stretch, watching as JJ scans my body. "I have to go soon, gotta get this over with," I say, watching as JJ's smile drops but knowing I have to do this.

He nods and stands up next to me, putting his hand on his forehead in a salute before releasing it. "Good luck, soldier. May you return home in the same condition you leave. I will be waiting when you return from war, my dearest girlfriend," he jokes, and I find myself falling more in love.

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