19. Walk Away

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Olivia's P.O.V.

"Bitch! Did you hear what the fuck I said? Shake... some ass!" These are the first words I hear when I wake up in the morning. I open one eye to look at my boyfriend, recognizing the song from tiktok. I smile and cuddle into his chest more, comfy and warm in his arms.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. It's 1 p.m. already, you must've been super exhausted," JJ says, looking down at me as I look up at him and roll my eyes.

"You're the reason I was so tired," I reply, before quickly adding "but I'd do it all again" when I see him begin to frown.

He leans down and kisses my forehead, being mindful that we both have morning breath. "Wanna stay in bed all day? I have some ideas of what we can do," he asks, giving me puppy dog eyes that are so hard to say no to.

I reluctantly shake my head no and sit up in bed, realizing I'm not wearing any clothes when I see JJ staring at my exposed chest. I slap his chest playfully and laugh, watching as his eyes move up to meet mine and his face flushes in embarrassment. "I was hoping Sarah and I could have some girl time today. I've been surrounded by testosterone for too long," I admit.

He laughs but nods in understanding. "What? Too many men in the house for ya?" he jokes, referring to himself and John B. I give him a look before he continues, "I haven't heard her and JB today so I think she's at home."

My smile drops as I realize her home is Tannyhill. If I want to spend the day with Sarah, I'll have to go to the one place I was planning on avoiding until I die. The chances of running into Rafe are 1000 to 1. "I don't exactly want to risk running into... you know who," I say, referring to Rafe.

JJ clenches his jaw at the mention of Rafe. "Then don't go. Stay here with me. I'll make it worth your while," he says, leaning forward to grab my waist but I pull away.

I don't know what comes over me, but suddenly I'm not in the mood for this. The thought of Rafe makes me so angry that I find myself lashing out on the person I care about the most. "All you think about is sex. Do you even love me? Or do you just love fucking me?" I spit out, not thinking twice before the words come out. I instantly regret them, but I can't find the strength to apologize and take them back.

JJ sits up straight and looks at me like I'm crazy. "Are you kidding? You have to be joking, Olivia," he says, trying to take a hold of my hand but I shake it off.

Rafe's words are getting to my head: "he's not the one for you, Olivia". All I can think about is that. Maybe he's right? No, I love JJ. My thoughts are killing me.

"Ever since we got together, all you ever want to do is have sex. Are you even in love with me?" I ask, feeling insecure and second-guessing everything in the moment.

JJ scoffs and looks away, anger taking over the confusion that was previously in his voice. "Why are you even doubting me? Doubting us?" He turns to look at me, "it's because of him, right? He's in your head? Fine, Liv. I'll do you a solid. You have my permission to go running off into the sunset with the kook prince. Obviously you don't trust me or something because you're making up bullshit accusations when I'm out of this world in love with you. So just leave. I wasn't built to have a girlfriend anyways. I'm surprised we lasted this long."

I sit there looking at him, shocked. "I'm just... confused, JJ. There's so much going on in my head right now and I just feel like all you ever want to do is have sex. I just needed reassurance that you love me, I didn't want to break up for gods sake. Why are you jumping to that step?"

He looks me dead in the eyes, "because I think you love him. I think you're making up these things to be worried about because you're in love with Rafe fucking Cameron. I'm not gonna sit here and compete for your love and affection, Olivia. I'm out. He wins."

I get up, wrapping the blanket around my body and standing right in front of him. "You're wrong. The only man I've ever been in love with is sitting right in front of me, breaking my heart," I say, not being able to hold my tears in any longer.

JJ looks up at me, watching as the tears fall down my face. For a split second, his hand reaches up to wipe them away, but he puts it down. Instead, he gets up and throws some clothes on before walking towards the bedroom door to leave.

"So that's it? You're just gonna walk away?" I ask, dumbfounded by how everything went so wrong so quickly.

He clenches his jaw and turns around to look at me. "Yeah. You should recognize it, you wrote this move in the playbook,"  he says, anger and sadness in his voice as he walks out the door and through the house to leave.

I stand there in shock for what feels like hours before I find myself collapsing on the floor. My knees buckle underneath me as I let myself cry. I had gotten myself into this mess by letting my insecurities and worries get the better of me. My past relationships have all ended because of sex; I wanted this to be different. I wanted JJ to be my last love...

but he just walked away.


Word Count: 1032

Well ... that was heartbreaking. Every couple goes through the occasional bumps in the road ... but this seems more serious than that 👀 I would say I hope y'all enjoyed but ... this was a sad chapter. It'll get better I promise 😉

xoxo, C ❣️

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