27. Party Time

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This chapter contains mature sexual content.

The clock strikes 7 p.m. and it's officially party time. JJ and I are the only ones here, as expected. No one wants to be the first at a party, even if it's more of a formal dinner than an actual party.

The two of us are sitting at a table by the entrance waiting for our guests to arrive. My nerves are overwhelming, so I fiddle with my ring as a distraction. JJ moves my chair closer to him and puts my legs across his lap, gaining my attention. I look at him as he moves my hair behind my ears. "Don't be nervous. This is going to be everything you dreamed of," he says, kissing my forehead. I grab the back of his neck and pull him closer to me, connecting our lips. We kiss for a few seconds before he pulls away. He looks at the door then back to me. "You should probably hide the ring until we announce it to everyone," he suggests, grabbing my hand and admiring the ring he chose for me.

I nod in agreement before realizing he's looking at my ring so he doesn't see me nodding. "Good idea," I say, sliding the ring off my finger and setting it in his hand. "Keep it in your pocket until we're ready, okay?"

JJ smiles and takes the ring, looking at it for a few more seconds before tucking it into his jeans. His focus turns to me again, smirking as he comes up with a plan of his own. "We're the only ones here... maybe we should have a little fun before the party starts," he says, putting one hand on my thigh and rhe other pulling me to his lips. Before our lips meet, I stop him.

"JJ Maybank we are the hosts of this party and we will be professional," I say, giving him a stern look and giggling as he throws his head back in frustration. "Anyways, we can't do what I want to do here so you'll just have to wait," I say, biting my lip and watching as he clenches his jaw slightly.

"And what's that?" he asks, referring to what I want to do later.

I laugh at how serious he is because of what I said. "You'll just have to wait and see," I say, kissing his cheek and standing up. I fix my dress and pull my hair back in a low ponytail, letting a few pieces out in front to create a messy but cute look.

"The things I want to do to you..." JJ begins to say but he stops when the door opens. He gets up and stands by my side, pulling me closer to him and holding my waist.

My smile grows when I see the faces of our best friends: John B, Sarah, Pope, and Kie. Sarah is the first one through the door, dragging John B with her. I leave JJ to greet our friends, hugging everyone and saying hello. JJ does the same, all of us goofing around and making small talk as more people arrive. Much to our surprise, no one asks questions about the party. Everyone is having a good time and hanging out that no one cares why we're all gathered here tonight.

I'm deep in conversation with Sarah and Kie when I feel a pair of arms around my waist. I smile and turn around, pecking JJ's lips. "Hi there," I say, holding his hands and smiling up at him.

"Hi baby," he says, kissing my forehead. "Can I steal you away for a minute?"

I smile, knowing why he's pulling me away from the girls. It's time. I nod and follow him to the front of the room while holding his hand. JJ turns to me and lifts my hand up, placing the ring on my finger where it belongs. We smile at each other, having a moment of our own before the madness begins.

JJ grabs a glass from a waiter that's walking by and taps it with a spoon, gaining everyones attention. He looks at me for a sign of approval, so I smile and squeeze his hand assuring him it's fine. "We have something we need to tell you guys," he says, looking out at the group of people.

"Are you pregnant?" Sarah yells, jumping up and down in excitement.

Everyone laughs except John B and JJ, who both give me concerned looks. "A-are you?" JJ whispers, and I quickly shake my head no.

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