2. Sibling Bonding

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After our emotional reunion, John B and I decided we needed some brother/sister time. We figured the best way to catch up was to go out on the water, so we got on the HMS Pogue and went cruising through the marsh.

Summertime in the OBX is the best and worst time of year. It's great because everyone gets tan and you can live in a swimsuit unapologetically. It's terrible because of the heat, humidity, and bugs. I had forgotten how terrible the heat gets by the time we got on the boat.

"I did not miss this heat, I'll tell you that" I say, earning a chuckle in response from John B.

"You weren't gone that long, Olivia. I'm sure you'll get used to it again quickly" he replies, and I nod to agree.

"So I noticed you named the boat HMS Pogue. You're officially a pogue now? Does that make me one?" I ask, knowing about the division between the different parts of the island all too well.

"Hell yeah we're pogues, sis. You, me, JJ, Pope, and Kie. Pogues for life" John B answers, pride clear in his voice. He's always been a loyal and committed friend to anyone that he cares about.

"I'm honored. What about Sarah? She still a kook? Or does she get a pass because she's your girlfriend?" I ask, making it clear that I know about his relationship with the girl he once hated.

He turns red immediately at the mention of Sarah, "She gets an honorary pass. Still a kook, but she's my kook. How did you even know about us? You just got back on the island like two hours ago".

"I have my sources" I say, not wanting to name drop JJ. I decide now is the best time to bring up something I can't get off my mind. "So, since you're dating Sarah, does that mean you see Rafe a lot?"

At the mention of Rafe, John B's demeanor changes. He goes from being goofy and happy at the talk of Sarah to annoyed and agitated. All I get in response is a firm "no".

"Can you elaborate please?" I ask, obviously annoyed at his response, or lack there of one.

"Look Olivia you don't need to be asking about  him, okay? He's not a part of your life anymore. It needs to stay that way" he looks me dead in the eyes, completely serious.

"Like that ever stopped me before. You don't know him like I do," I reply, angry he thinks he can control my life. Nothing has changed in that aspect. No boys allowed, according to John B.

"I'm looking out for you. Stay away from him. I mean it. He's not good for you, okay? He never was to begin with but I let it slide because you guys were in that play. You don't know the shit he's been doing since you've been gone".

I scoff, "Enlighten me then. What could be so bad that you're telling me to stay away from him? Oh wait let me guess, nothing. The same way you tried to get me to drop out of the play freshman year because you didn't want me kissing a boy. You don't get to control my life, JB".

At this point, John B stops driving the boat and turns around to face me. "He's a fucking psycho, Olivia! He hates us pogues more than anything. He beats us up every chance he gets. Not to mention he's a coke addict. He does more cocaine than JJ's dad. Don't shake your head at me, it's true. It's all true. Ask anyone. Ask JJ. Ask Sarah!" John B yells, angry at me denying everything he's saying.

"No. There's no way. Rafe isn't like that. You always hated him because he was a boy that cared for me. He would never hurt anyone. Especially you. And he wouldn't do drugs" I yell back, not believing him at all. "You don't know him, John B. He would never do those things. He's a good person".

John B stands up and moves to stand in front of me. "God damnit Olivia don't you understand? You left and he changed. He hates us because you were one of us. You were a good thing in his life and you left. So now he takes his anger out on us and does any drug he can get his grimy hands on" John B yells, trying to look me in the eyes but I look to the ground.

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