20. Seeking Comfort

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After JJ walked out, I sat on the ground in a ball of emotions for hours. My mind was on a constant loop of questions: why did I say the things I said? Why did I question JJ? Why didn't I trust him? Why did I let Rafe get in my head? Why am I so stupid? How could I let the best thing in my life walk away?

3 hours have past since that moment. I pick myself up from the floor and wipe my tears away as I make my way to the bathroom to fix my appearance. I look in the mirror and recognize the girl in front of me; the girl in the mirror is alone. I go back to my room and grab my phone, deciding I don't want to be alone anymore. I call Kiara, knowing she would drop everything for me especially in a time like this. I pray she answers the phone and let out a sigh when she does.

"Hey babe, what's up?" she greets me, obviously not knowing what happened between JJ and I a few short hours ago.

I take a deep breath, look up at the ceiling, and blink quickly in an effort to hold back the tears in my eyes that are threatening to fall. "JJ broke up with me," I admit, deciding to just come out and say it.

I can basically see Kie's shocked and confused expression through the phone. "Wait what? Olivia what are you talking about? He wouldn't... he would never. Are you serious?" she asks.

I bite my lip and wipe away the few tears that fell while Kie was talking. "I'll explain in person. I just—I don't want to be alone right now. Can I come to you?"

Instantly, Kie agrees. "Of course babe, I'm at Tannyhill with Sarah actually. If you don't want to come here, we'll come to you," she says, and I roll my eyes at the thought of Tannyhill because of Rafe.

"It's fine. I'll be there soon. Thanks, Kie," I reply while grabbing my purse and heading outside. We end the phone call as I grab the keys to the Twinkie, not stopping to ask John B if I can take the van. All I can think about is getting out of the house and being with someone.

Before I know it, I'm pulling into the driveway of Tannyhill and getting out of the van. I don't stop to look around or knock on the door; all I care about is getting to Sarah's room and hugging whoever I see first and letting my tears flow. I make my way upstairs and take a deep breath as I reach Sarah's door, hearing loud music through the walls. I manage to let out a small smile as I realize they're blaring music to distract me from my pain. I reach for the doorknob when I hear his voice. Rafe.

"Olivia?" he asks, curiosity in his voice. My heart races as I turn around to look at the boy. His demeanor changes when he sees my appearance; my eyes, nose, and cheeks are red from crying and I'm wearing my pajamas. He comes out of his room and, without hesitation, pulls me to his chest.

My head is telling me to run away, but I can't. I find myself wrapping my arms around his body and sinking into him. I feel the tears running down my face, but I don't care. This is exactly what I needed; I needed to feel safe and warm. Even if Rafe is the exact opposite of that.

I don't realize we've moved into his room until I hear the lock of the door. I pull away from Rafe's embrace to fix my hair that had fallen in my face. I take a deep breath and watch as he sits on the edge of the bed, looking at me with all the care and concern in the world.

"I shouldn't be here right now. With you, I mean," I say, breaking the tension. What I said is the truth; I shouldn't be in his room alone with him. Not after everything he said to me about JJ. But the more I think about it, the more he was right. JJ did leave me... he did break my heart. Maybe Rafe isn't the bag guy I thought he was.

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