56. Cheater

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When we walk into the house, we're shocked by silence. Normally the house is filled with laughter and conversation, but right now it's nothing but quiet. JJ and I look at each other, both of us confused. We make our way to the living room, seeing John B, Sarah, and Kiara sitting in silence. John B and Sarah are on their phones on the couch while Kiara is sitting on a chair staring blankly at her lap.

"So... what did we miss?" JJ asks, breaking the silence as we stand in the living room awkwardly.

"I'm not pregnant," Sarah says matter-of-factly.

"The test was mine," Kie says, looking up at us. I immediately take in her red eyes and tear-stained cheeks, indicating she's been crying.

I move to the chair she's sat in and bend down to her level, putting my hands on her knees. "You're pregnant?" I ask her.

She nods. "I-I think so. I've only taken one test. I took it the other day when we were all hanging out here and I started to feel sick. I went to John B's bathroom so that's why it was in his trashcan. I didn't know what to do so I just threw it away and pushed all of this to the back of my mind," she admits as tears fill her eyes.

"Oh, Kie. I can't imagine what's been going through your head. Have you told Pope?" I ask.

"No, she hasn't. Tell them why, Kie," Sarah says, her tone... angry?

I turn and look at Sarah, confused why she's angry at Kie at this moment. "Wait, why do you sound mad? What's going on?" I ask.

"Oh shit," JJ says, speaking up for the first time since we entered the silent house. "Is it not Pope's?" he asks, and my eyes widen at the thought of Kie cheating on Pope.

"She doesn't know," John B says, looking over at Kie then me. "That's why Sarah is mad. This is gonna break Pope's heart," he says, disappointment in his voice.

"Kie, is that true? I thought you loved him," I ask her, turning my attention back to the crying girl in front of me.

"I do love him. I love him so much," she says but Sarah interrupts her.

"Then why did you cheat on him?" Sarah asks.

"You don't get to shame me for this. You've cheated on every boyfriend you've ever had apart from John B," Kie says, looking at Sarah.

Sarah rolls her eyes. "The difference is I didn't love any of them. I would never cheat on John B because I love him with all my heart. You cheated on Pope and you're still claiming to love him. It's bullshit," she says.

"Really? You seemed pretty in love with Topper. Lying isn't a cute look, princess," Kie says, returning the same energy Sarah is giving her.

"Okay, you both need to calm down. You guys are friends, talk like adults," I say, tired of the back and forth bitchiness.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew who she cheated on Pope with," Sarah says, folding her arms across her chest.

"Sarah, please don't," Kie begs her, looking at her with sadness and fear in her eyes.

"Tell her. Tell her or I will," Sarah says.

Kie shakes her head and wipes away a few tears that have fallen down her cheeks. "Olivia, please don't be mad. I-I was really crossed. I had a lot to drink and then I smoked a joint and it-it just happened, okay?" she says, looking at me.

I take my hands off her knees and stand up, preparing myself for what she's about to say. "Just tell me," I say, almost in a whisper.

Kie takes a deep breath before saying "Rafe".

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