4. The Princess and Prince Charming

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I can't help the smile on my face once I answer the phone. Rafe has been on the back of my mind since I left Tannyhill.

"Hey there, Juliet. I tried calling you earlier, but you didn't pick up," he says. I can hear him pout through the phone.

"I was at dinner and didn't want to be rude. What's up?"

"I'm bored. Come over? We can swim for as long as you want, or just lay in the hammock. Whatever you want." He suggests, remembering how much I love the water.

Growing up, my dad's nickname for me was bug. I always loved being in the water, whether it be a pool, a lake, or an ocean. I felt at peace in the water; it calmed me. I felt like the world stopped moving when I was in it. My dad put me in swimming lessons from a young age, where he realized how much I loved being in the water. I was his little water bug. John B was bird, and I was bug. Weird nicknames? 100 percent. But those weird nicknames meant everything to us.

I smile at the memory, missing my dad. I think for a second before deciding what to do. "I'd love to, but I'm hanging out with JJ. Can we reschedule for tomorrow?" I ask, hoping he agrees. If I could have it my way, I'd go to Rafe's house with JJ so I could hang out with both of them. But they've always hated each other, so that wasn't an option.

Rafe sighs but agrees. "Yeah that's fine," he pauses for a second before continuing, "I miss you even though I saw you a few hours ago." At this, I can tell he was looking down at the ground nervously.

"Oh Romeo, I miss you too. Tomorrow. I promise," I say, making a mental reminder that I now have plans with Rafe tomorrow night. "I'm getting attacked by skeeters out here, I should probably go," I say while swatting off the bugs.

"Alright. Goodnight, Juliet. I'll be dreaming of you" he says, making me smile.

"Goodnight, Romeo. Sweet dreams" I reply, hanging up the phone.

I put my phone in my pocket and stand by the truck for a few seconds to collect my thoughts. I can't help but think of Rafe. We met 3 months before I left, and in those few months, we got close. I was at Tannyhill basically every day hanging out with him. When I wasn't there, I was out somewhere with Rafe. I developed a crush on the older boy, and after 4 years, I still get nervous around him. He makes me feel like that 14-year-old girl again.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by skeeters, so I take that as my cue to go inside. I make my way through the house looking for JJ, whom I thought would be laying on the couch by now, but he was nowhere to be seen. After I looked around the front of the house, I realized where he was.

I walk to the back of the house and into my room to find him comfy in my bed. "Maybank I thought I told you that your new bed is the couch. Our late-night talks happen on the couch, not in my bed." I say, smiling at the blonde boy. I stand at the foot of my bed, looking at him. He just smiles back and shrugs his shoulders as a "whatever". He has a bag of chips by his side with Criminal Minds playing on the tv, happy as could be.

I decide to take off my makeup and change into some pajamas. It's been a long-ass day, and I needed to relax and sit still. It's been a constant go go go since I woke up. Since I haven't unpacked yet, I resort to using my emergency makeup wipes from my purse. Once I'm makeup-free and feel re-energized, I realize I don't have any clothes to change into. I don't remember what bag my pajamas are in, so I walk out of the bathroom to ask JJ for something to wear. I lean on the doorway of the bathroom and face my bed.

"So... I don't exactly know where I packed my pajamas and I don't have anything to change into. Can I wear something of yours?" I ask, playing with my fingers, a nervous habit I picked up the past few years.

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