Chapter 2. I love you, goodbye

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As the realisation settled in, I knew I couldn't stay in Keramzin. It was the first place he would look. A decision formed in my mind. I would travel to Os Alta, seek out my allies and form a plan with them.
But what about Mal? I couldn't leave him behind. And what about the children?

As I paced my room, a knock came on the door. Mal entered, holding a tray with food and tea. My stomach grumbled.

"Are you alright?" He asked me when he saw my face. I quickly smiled and took the tray from him.

"I'm fine." I lied.

Then it came again, a sudden searing pain, but this time it felt as if my throat was being slashed open. I yelped in pain and dropped the tray.

"Alina!" Mal shouted and rushed to my side, holding me so I wouldn't collapse. I felt more power rushing through me. Knowing I couldn't hide it from him, I released the energy and the room went white from the blinding light.

"No..." I whispered. Another sun summoner dead.

Then everything went black.


I was on a bed. I could feel the soft matress beneath my back and the soft blanket on top of me.

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes, was Mal's face. I smiled, but then I remembered what had happened.
"I'm sorry." I said.

Mal cupped my face, smiling at me.
"It's not your fault, my love. You didn't know that was going to happen."

I turned away from him in shame, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Alina, what-" He sighed. "This isn't the first time it happened." It wasn't a question. I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

Tears formed in my eyes. "I'm sorry." I repeated. Still afraid to meet his eyes.

"Well, after that little display of your powers you do look a bit healthier again." Was all he said, as he stood up and left the room.

I sat up, straightning my back. I shoved away the covers and got to my feet. I walked to the mirror. He was right. My skin had once again a glow and the bags under my eyes were less visible.

I walked to our wardrobe, opened it and took out a medium sized black chest. I set it on my bed and opened it. Inside were my black and blue kefta. I sighed, and closed it again. I would have to take this with me.

I didn't notice Mal entering the room again until he stood next to me.
"I'm sorry I walked away. I just don't understand why you hid this from me." He said, turning me to face him.
"I love you, Alina. But I'm afraid of what this means."

I put my arms around his neck.
"I think the sun summoners are being killed. And I think I know by who. I mean who else would go through the trouble-"

"No," Mal shook his head. "don't you dare say his name. Alina do you hear me. The Darkling is dead. We won. Please."

I shook my head, tears running down my cheeks. "He's back, Mal. Aleksander Morozova is alive."


After my revelation, Mal had stormed out of the room again, leaving me with tears in my eyes.

I took a traveling pack out of our wardrobe. I had to get to Os Alta. I only hoped I could convince Mal to let me go without him. The children needed him more than I did.

I put my black kefta in first followed by my blue one. I don't know why, but having them with me brought me comfort.
Some time later, I had finished packing the belongings I needed for my trip.

As I closed up my pack, the door opened. Mal was back. He looked at the pack and then at me. In his eyes I saw a flash of anger before they showed no emotion at all. It startled me.

"What do you think you're doing?" He said narrowing his eyes.

"I have to leave Keramzin, Mal. And so do you." I said, trying to sound strong but my voice was breaking.

His eyes softened a bit. "Where are we going?" He asked calmly.

I shook my head. "N-no, you don't understand. You're not coming with me. You have to take the children somewhere safe. I need to get to Os Alta."

Mal's eyes widened and he shook his head, walking towards me. "No," He said. "I'm not leaving you." He put his hands on my waist. "I'm not letting you go."

I sighed and pulled him closer. "We can't leave the kids alone. Please. You have to take them somewhere safe. I'll be okay." I tried to convince him. He remained silent. I took it as an opportunity to grab my pack and gave him one last kiss.
"I love you, goodbye."

He didn't say a word as he stared at my back as I left the room. A single tear rolled down my cheek.

Would I ever see him again?

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