Chapter 17. Familiar faces

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We didn't speak for the rest of the long ride that day. When nightfall came, we stopped. Keeping me confined to the coach, the Darkling stepped outside. Through the window, I could see Ivan standing watch and the Darkling walking to a group of Grisha, as they occupied themselves by talking to each other in front of the fire. 

Closing the curtains, I decided to get some sleep, thinking the Darkling would probably let others set up a tent for him.
Laying down on the cushions, I closed my eyes and sighed. It was comfortable enough. I could still stretch my legs entirely, but then again I wasn't so tall.

As tired as I was, drifting off to sleep was a difficult challenge for me. My mind kept telling me to try and escape, while my heart longed for the Darkling's presence.

I tossed and turned restlessly until I gave up and sat up again. I drew back the curtains and stared past Ivan's figure. It was already dark. I couldn't see the Darkling, just some Grisha displaying their powers in front of others. 

I watched for a while. Then I knocked on the window, signaling Ivan. He turned around and looked at me. I pointed to the door and he rolled his eyes, but he came to me, opening the coach's door. 

''I'm hungry.'' I said. ''And my legs hurt, I need to stretch them.''

''Fine,'' Ivan growled at me. ''but no funny business or it's nap time.'' He spoke to me as if I were a child. Normally I would have punched him in the face for that. For now, I just nodded, eager to get out.

As Ivan helped me out of the coach, I groaned as my legs really did feel stiff. Ivan started guiding me through the camp. 

''Ivan!'' I heard behind us. Turning around I saw a not too pleased Darkling coming towards us. ''Why are you not standing guard by the coach, with her inside? Like I told you to?'' His face was contorted in anger.

Next to me, Ivan bowed very deep. Like really deep. ''Moi soverennyi, I was just making sure miss Starkov got something to eat and had the chance to stretch her legs.'' I rolled my eyes as his voice sounded fearful. 

''Relax Darkling.'' I said, crossing my arms.'' Ivan was being a big help to me. He took good care of me. He should deserve a treat instead of an angry boss.'' I couldn't help it. 

The Darklings expression remained angry. He dismissively waved at Ivan. Knowing apparently that it meant he could leave, Ivan left my side and walked away. As he did, I noticed he looked a bit pale. 

''How many times have I warned you about not embarrassing me?'' The Darkling said, narrowing his eyes at me.

''You should be glad I was sticking up for Ivan. I mean, maybe he'll warm up to me eventually.'' I grinned, infuriating him further. I raised an eyebrow, daring him to punish me.

The Darkling crossed his arms, mimicking my posture. ''You do realize why we're traveling, right?'' He said, smiling coldly. I walked over to him, looking a bit upwards so our eyes met.

''Yes, I haven't forgotten.'' I spat. ''But no matter my behavior, you will still kill them. So go ahead, make your threats. Nothing is worse than what you're about to do.'' I turn away from him, wanting to walk away, but the Darkling grabbed my shoulder.

''Where do you think you're going?'' He snarled. 

''Away from you.'' I said annoyed, but I was turned around again. Facing a still angry-looking Darkling. Did he not have any other facial expression? I truly wondered.

''Not on your own, you're not.'' He said, releasing me and crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes at him. 

''Do you see these two things?'' I said, pointing at my legs. ''They work.'' I said, moving them to prove my point. ''I can walk myself.'' 

The Darkling scowled. ''I'm sure you can, I just worry that your legs take you somewhere else, instead of where they're supposed to.'' He grabbed my arm and started walking, dragging me along. ''Besides, it is befitting of a gentleman to escort his lady.'' He added amusedly.

I snorted. ''I don't see a gentleman anywhere near... Do you?'' I ask, looking around me as we walked on. The Darkling, clearly not amused anymore, held my arm tighter and quickened his pace. It made me struggle to keep up with him. 

Suddenly, a scream came from somewhere north of the camp. The Darkling stopped walking and turned his head towards where the sound had come from. ''Ivan!'' He bellowed.

Ivan came running towards us. As soon as he was in front of us, the Darkling pushed me into Ivan's arms. ''Keep an eye on her and stay here.'' The Darkling ordered. He turned around headed north. Soon enough, he was out of sight. 

We stood there for a while. Ivan's hand holding my arm.

Then we heard more screams and shouts. I looked at Ivan. ''Shouldn't we be helping?'' I said, baiting him. I was really curious.

''My orders are clear.'' Ivan grunted. I rolled my eyes and turned away from him. Then I heard a gasp and felt him release his hold on me. I turned to look at Ivan surprised, only to see he was struggling for air, his hand clinging to his chest. Then he slumped to the ground, unconscious. At first, I thought he was dead. Then I saw his chest rise and fall, and I knew he was still alive.

''You alright, Alina?'' A familiar voice called out to me from behind me. I quickly turned around in surprise to see Nikolai grinning at me from a few steps away. I grinned back and nodded. Tolya stood next to him, his head cocked and a curious expression on his face. 

''I thought I killed him once before?'' Tolya asked stunned. 

I turned to him and managed a small smile. ''It's a long story.'' I said. Then I turned back to Nikolai. ''What are you doing here?'' I asked a little bit worried, considering the Darkling wasn't that far away.

''Rescuing you of course! Unless you've already fallen under the Darkling's spell...'' He joked. 

I rolled my eyes at him and nodded. ''Let's go.'' I told him and walked towards them. I couldn't resist and hugged them. First Tolya and then Nikolai. 

Nikolai grinned. ''Aww, I missed you too.'' He said amusedly. Rolling my eyes again, I pushed him, playfully. His face turned serious once again. ''Now, let's go. We only have a few minutes to get far away from here.'' He took my hand and the three of us started running into the cover of the trees. 

It didn't take long for me to hear a loud, cold and clear voice yelling my name. The Darkling had probably found Ivan and was now searching for me.

''Oh, Saints!'' Nikolai cursed, panting slightly from running, as we dashed through the forest, putting as many miles between us and the Darkling as we could. ''I thought it would take longer than that for him to return.'' He shrugged. ''Then we'll just have to run a bit faster.'' 

I nodded, increasing my speed to match theirs. Although I was gasping for air and I felt weak, the thought of escaping the Darkling forced me to keep running. 

After a while, we came into a clearing and we slowed down a bit. As I took a good look in the dark, I saw two horses. Tolya mounted one and Nikolai mounted the other. Nikolai put his hand out to me. ''You ride with me.'' He said. Without hesitation, I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up so I could sit in front of him. His arms caged me. Then he tugged on the reins, urging the horse forwards into a run.


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