Chapter 16. Defiance

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I looked at the bedroom door, furiously. Once I had woken up again, my anger immediately got the best of me. I had tried the door and found it locked. Then I had screamed Ivan's name but he hadn't come. 

Now I pounded on the door, threw myself at the door, and threw heavy objects at it . Anything to get his attention. After keeping this up for a few minutes, the door finally opened, revealing an angry looking Ivan.

''Are you done?'' He snapped at me, as he was struggling past all the objects on the floor. But I attacked him by throwing myself at him, furiously. He reacted by putting his hands together, using his power against me. It made me gasp as my heart slowed again. ''Easy Starkov, or I'll put you under again, understood?'' Ivan warned me. I glared at him, but nodded. He lowered his hands. 

The heavy feeling on my heart disappeared and I took a deep breath, steadying myself.
''Get me out of this room.'' I demanded, almost shouting. 

''Look at all this mess.'' Ivan snarled, ignoring me. ''If you weren't so damn important to the Darkling's cause I would have killed you already.'' He said in a dangerous tone. 

''But she is important to me.'' A voice came from behind Ivan. I looked past him and straight into the furious face of the Darkling.

''Moi soverennyi.'' Ivan had turned around and bowed to the Darkling, who just gave a single nod. 

''Leave us, Ivan. And send some some servants to clean this up.'' He waved his hand at the mess I've made.

''Yes, moi soverennyi.'' Ivan bowed again and slipped past the Darkling, whose face was fixed on mine. 

''You'll be pleased to hear that the tracker has escaped me.'' The Darkling informed me.

''I am pleased to hear that.'' I said with a triumphant smile. He closed the distance between us. 

''You'll also be pleased to hear, that the three remaining sun summoners have been found.'' He said raising an eyebrow. I stared at him. ''You'll be more powerful than ever.'' He added, cupping my face with both hands. ''Isn't that wonderful?'' His eyes studied me intently.

I slapped his hands away. ''I won't have more deaths on my conscience.'' I stated, rage boiling up inside me. ''You're not killing them!'' I ordered, raising my voice to a shout.

''I would like to see you try and stop me.'' The Darkling grabbed my wrist, pulling me closer to him.

We were then interrupted by two servants, who started cleaning up the mess I'd made. Feeling guilty, I moved towards them to help, but the Darkling pulled me back. 

''You may not act like one, but you are a queen.'' He said. ''And queens do not help their servants clean. Let's go.'' 

I sighed, and the Darkling pushed me towards the door. But as we left the room, I muttered a ''sorry'' to the servants.

As the Darkling guided me through the corridor, still holding my wrist, he said: ''And queens don't apologise.'' 

I rolled my eyes at him. ''No they do.'' I replied. ''Tyrants don't.'' His grip on my wrist tightened painfully and I winced.

We walked on in silence. As we left the Grand Palace, I saw Grisha waiting on horses and the Darklings black coach in front of us. 

''Where are we going?'' I asked nervously. I hated that coach. 

Well, since you helped that otkazat'sya of yours escape, I figured I would punish you.'' I tensed. ''And I'm going to do that by letting you watch as the last three sun summoners die.'' He smiled at me coldly. 

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