Chapter 14. Temptations

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The next day came and went, while I was stuck in the Darkling's quarters. We had dinner in the dining room at night together, but we didn't speak a word to each other. He had no luck in locating the last three sun summoners and it had fouled his mood. 

Not that he was normally a ray of sunshine...
I snickered at the thought. 

''What's so funny?'' The Darkling asked, glaring at me. I picked at my food a bit before answering.

''Nothing,'' I say, shrugging my shoulders. ''Just the fact that you're moodier than usual.'' 

''Careful, Alina. Once the three sun summoners are dead, and we find the Amplifier, I will have the choice again to kill your otkazat'sya. You should try to stay on my good side, for his sake.'' The Darkling warned me, clearly annoyed at my attitude. 

''I didn't know you had a good side.'' I retorted sarcastically. His threats began to lose their meaning now. ''You certainly don't show it.''

He stood up and walked over to me. He pulled me out of my chair by my arm and pinned me against the nearest wall, burying his face in my neck. I gasped as his skin touched mine, it felt so good, and yet so very wrong. ''If you want to see my very good side, all you have to do is ask.'' He whispered in my ear. I stood there frozen. He kissed my neck, biting it. I winced in pain and pleasure. ''Who is better, Alina? Your otkazat'sya or me?'' He asked me huskily, planting another kiss in my neck. I shivered, completely lost in the pleasure of his touch.

Yet his question snapped me out of my trance and I pushed him away. Or, tried to at least. he still had me caged against the wall, his eyes now locked on mine. ''Mal.'' I said venomously. 

I saw a flash of anger pass over his face.

''For now.'' The Darkling said calmly. I swallowed. 

''I want to see him.'' I told him.

''And what I want, is for him to die. I guess we're both not getting what we want today.'' The Darkling answered his lips curled in a cold smile. He then took a step back, releasing me. Immediately I put as much distance between us as possible. 

''You can't keep us apart forever.'' I spoke, a defiant tone in my voice. As I said it I held the hand with my wedding ring against my chest. 

''Maybe not, but I can certainly try.''


I was getting tired. The Darkling and I sat in his study. He was busy reading stacks of paperwork, while I was very busy glaring at him from a safe distance, pretending to read a book. I never knew ruling would be so dull. It was just signing paper after paper. At it seemed that way to me, watching the Darkling read a paper, then sign it, then do it all over again. Sometimes he muttered to himself, but I could never hear what he said.
After a while, my eyes started to get very heavy, and I was becoming drowsy. 

''Go to bed, Alina.'' The Darkling said, without looking up from his work.

''I'm not tired.'' I yawned. Okay, that was not really convincing.

''Yes you are. Go to bed, I'll join you shortly.'' The Darkling said with an amused expression on his face.

''Oka- Wait, what?'' I stuttered with confusion, but then I realised what he meant. ''I'm not sharing a bed with you!'' I said, disgusted by the idea. ''I'm not tired anymore.'' I said, crossing my arms in front of me.

The Darkling rolled his eyes at me. ''Sometimes you can be really childish.'' 

''Sometimes you can really be an asshole.'' I retorted stubbornly.

He ignored me and didn't argue with me anymore. Satisfied, I got back to glaring at him. 

Yet, after another ten minutes I felt my eyes getting heavy again. Before I knew it I fell into a half sleep in the comfortable reading chair, with a book I wasn't even reading sitting open on my lap. I don't know how long I sat there, half-sleeping. Suddenly I was conscious of being picked up in bridal-style and after a few seconds I felt a soft matress under my back. 

''What are you doing?'' I muttered still half asleep. But all I received was a kiss on my head.

''Sleep well, my little sun.'' The Darkling whispered. I felt him slip into bed, laying down beside me, but I was too tired to protest. Soon enough, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


It was still very early in the morning when I woke up. My eyes met the sleeping ones of the Darkling. 

Embarassed as I was to be in the same bed with him, I left the bed as quietly as I could and went to the bathroom. I took a quick bath and slipped into another 'sigh' black Kefta. I yearned for my blue ones. 

I promised Mal once, that I would never wear black again. Yet I've broken that promise time and time again. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I looked awful. I had rarely used my powers and it showed on my appearance. 

When I returned to the bedroom I found the Darkling to my surprise, still asleep.

I couldn't resist the temptation and tried the bedroom door, to my surprise it was unlocked. Deciding against my better judgement to take a chance, I slipped out of the bedroom quietly. The first thing I did when I was out of the room and, was making myself invisible. In case, Ivan was walking around here somewhere.

I wanted to see Mal, so I went to the prison cells. I was almost there. I just had to take the next corner... I almost jumped in surprise as Ivan went right past me. He hadn't even felt my heart. Then again, he thought I was still asleep so he probably wasn't on his guard. 

I made it to the prison cells without being discovered. There were no guards positioned at the entrance. I quietly slipped inside and dropped my invisibility.

''Alina?'' A sleepy Mal looked at me confused. ''What are you doing here?'' He asked me, raising his voice.

''Ssshh!'' I warned him. ''Not so loud.'' I whispered. 

''He doesn't know you're here now, does he?'' Mal asked me in a concerned whisper. I shook my head. ''Saints, Alina! I don't want you to get hurt because of me!'' Mal whispered desperately.

''I know but I had to come. I'm going to get you out of here.'' I told him matter of factly.

He just stared at me with his mouth open. ''No way! It's too dangerous! Think about what he'll do to you if you defy him! I don't care if he hurts me, but i won't let him hurt you.'' He whispered furiously. 

''But if you stay, he'll kill a person the get me another Amplifier. I know he won't find out without you. You have to leave.'' I tried to convince him.

Mal nodded. ''Okay, but only if you come with me.'' He said. I shook my head.

''You'll have a better chance of escape without me. Besides, I'm linked to him, he'll find me wherever I go. No, you have to find Nikolai and come up with a plan. A good one. Don't you dare come back for me without a solid plan. I would prefer if you didn't come back for me at all, risking your life again. Please Mal, promise me.'' I whispered desperately.

Mal nodded. ''Okay, I promise. If you promise you'll do whatever you can to stop him.''

I nodded as well. Mall nodded again. ''Now there is just one little problem.'' He said. ''How are you going to get me out of a Palace full of Grisha?''

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