Chapter 8. Your little pet

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The Darkling didn't visit me the next day, or the day after that. Amara came and went with untouched food trays, looking at me worriedly. But just like I was before I knew I had any powers at all, when I was just Alina Starkov the cartographer, I was just never hungry anymore. It left me weak, I know. But I just didn't care anymore.

Grief clouded all my senses. Grief for the girl I was just a few days ago. Grief for my friends who I would never see again, even though they were still alive. And last, grief for my Mal. He would never hold me again. Never would I hear him laugh, cry or talk with me again.

So I just sat in the window seat, day after day. Looking at a world beyond my reach. A world I would probably never travel freely again.

After sending away my third dinner tray, and Amara left with the food again, I heard Ivan curse at her from outside the door. A moment later Ivan stormed in with my dinner and put it in front of me with a loud crash. I remained still, looking up at him with disdain. 

''Eat.'' He said. 

I didn't even bother responding, let out a sigh, and just looked out the window again. My head resting against the cool glass.

''Eat, Starkov!'' Ivan raised his voice.

''Not hungry.'' I mumbled, still not looking at him. My eyes were trained on the bird that flew in the sky, as the sun went down.  

''Well, my Alina...'' A cold voice came from the open door. ''You don't look so good.'' I just rolled my eyes, not even bothering with looking at him. The Darkling wouldn't tolerate this of course. I just looked at the two people behind me in the reflection of the window.

''Has she eaten anything?'' The Darkling asked Ivan in a low voice, who shook his head. 

''I'm sorry, moi soverennyi.'' He replied. I rolled my eyes again.

The Darkling caught my gaze in the reflection of the window, and I averted my eyes. ''Leave us.'' He said to Ivan, who bowed and left the room. 
For a few moments, the room was deadly quiet. I felt the Darklings eyes on me, but I wouldn't look at him. After another few moments, I couldn't bear the tension anymore.

''If you're going to threaten me again, just get on with it.'' I said to him eventually. I heard him chuckle. 

''You really think you could starve yourself, little Alina the martyr?'' He asked me in an amused tone. I shrugged and turned around to look at him. His eyebrow was raised and he had an amused look on his face.

''Well, I thought maybe I'd give it a try.'' I said, daringly. 

The Darkling chuckled again. He took a few steps toward me and kneeled by my side, our eyes leveled eachother. ''I thought to give you at least some form of freedom, but it appears you are too self-destructive for even that. Tomorrow, you'll be moved in with me. We'll dine together and if you won't eat anything on your own, I'll have to force you. Maybe that will change that attitude of yours.''

My eyes widened at this and I glared at him. ''You wouldn't.'' I said.

''Oh I would, my Alina. See, I do love you. And I will give you the best care. I promise.'' The Darkling smiled at me, but his eyes remained cold as ever. I shivered. 

''That is not love. It's control. You can't control me. I'm not your little pet.'' I spat at him furiously, and turned my attention to the window, not wanting to look in his eyes. ''Psychopath.'' I murmered, but loud enough for him to hear.

He grabbed my arm and yanked me from the window seat. Holding my other arm as well he guided me towards the bathroom. Being to weak to do anything about it, I hissed at him, but didn't struggle. He put me in front of the mirror and pointed towards my reflection. He stood behind me as he began to speak.

''Do you know what I want to see when I look at your reflection?'' He asked in a whisper. I shook my head. ''A queen.'' He hissed. ''But I don't see a queen now. I see a stubborn nineteen-year-old who's wallowing in selfpity.'' He scoffed. I glared at him.
''And until I see a queen in that mirror, I will take care of you. Whether you want me to or not.'' He whispered in my ear, and planted a kiss in my neck. I shivered as his lips touched my skin.

Then he left me alone with my reflection. A moment later, I heard the bedroom door slam shut, and of course, the lock click in place. 



Hi dear readers!

How are you liking this Fanfiction so far? I hope I haven't made many grammar mistakes. If I did, please tell me. I like to learn from it, as English isn't my native language.




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