Chapter 4. Obsessed with me

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Darkness was all around me. I tried to open my eyes. They were so heavy. After a few tries, I succeeded. One glance at my surroundings told me I was in a tent. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't move. I was tied to the bed and I could only move my head. I did notice my wrist had been healed.

"She is awake, moi soverennyi."

That voice, I knew that voice. But it couldn't be. I looked to my right and saw a familiar, yet unfriendly face.

"You? You were dead. I saw you die on the ship. Tolya killed you. H-how are you here?" I asked, fear taking hold of me again.
He looked at me with hate in his eyes. He didn't speak.

"Ivan, leave us." His voice, cold and clear spoke and I shivered. I looked at the entrance of the tent, and there he was.

Ivan bowed and left us alone in tent. I immediately began to struggle against my bonds.

"You should conserve your strength, Alina. You can't escape me." The Darkling walked towards me. His eyes going over my tied up form.

"Release me, Darkling" I hiss, and I looked at him with hatred in my eyes.

The Darkling sighed. His cold eyes fixated on mine. "In due time, my Alina."

"Stop calling me that. I will never be yours." I spat at him.

'But you already are, and you'll always will be. We are destined to be together, you and I." He spoke, still very calmly.

I scoff. "You're so obsessed with me. Well let me make it clear one more time. I'm married now. I DON'T WANT YOU." I spoke that last sentence very slowly but very clearly. And then I gasped. Realizing my mistake. I looked at the wedding ring on my finger.

"So you're married to the tracker? Then I'll just have to find him and kill him."
The Darkling smiled at me coldly.

I shook my head, furiously. "You leave him out this, you bastard. You hear me?! Leave him out of this."

He looked at me curiously. "And what would you be willing to do in return?"

He had me. I would do anything for Mal. For the children in my care. I sighed in resignation. "Anything." I said.

The Darkling laughed. "It's always the same song. I threaten him and you do everything I say."

I couldn't resist. "Yeah, until I defeat you." I retorted.

His eyes narrowed. "I don't think you will this time, my Alina. I don't think you will.

I shuddered. That look. It was the same one he had when he had introduced the nichevo'ya to me. He had a new power. I was sure of it. A wave of nausea hit me at that realisation.

He smiled at me once again and then called out to Ivan.
Ivan came into the tent and bowed to the Darkling once again.

"Put her under." The Darkling ordered him, looking into my eyes.

I shook my head in protest and began to struggle against my bonds again. "Don't you dare-" But my heartbeat was already slowing down and I was losing consciousness again. My vision began to blacken.

The last thing I heard were the Darklings words.
"Sleep well, my Alina."


The next time I woke, I was in his carriage. I hated it. My hands were bound in front of me. The Darkling was sitting in front of me and Ivan was sitting next to me. I glared at the Darkling, who raised an eyebrow in response.

"Not comfortable?" He asked, mocking me. I huffed and turned my attention to the window.

But, we were traveling on the Vy. In the direction of Os Alta.

I shook my head, panicking. "No." I said to him.

He had followed my gaze and looked me in the eyes. "No? No, what?"

I glared at him. "Leave my friends alone." I said. "Stay away from Os Alta." I ordered him, trying to sound authoritative.

The Darkling chuckled. "And why would you think, that I would listen to you? Besides, I think I would like to visit that Sobachka again." He leaned forward, still smiling, and cupped my face, I tensed. "And you're going to watch, what I'll do to them."

My eyes widened. I wanted to protest but he put his finger on my lips.
"And now, my Alina, you will keep silent or Ivan will put you under again. Nod if you understand."

I glared at him but nodded. He pulled away from me. Leaning back into his seat.  I still sat tense and glaring at him. He sighed. "Just relaxe, Alina. We'll be there soon."

Of course I didn't listen.

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