Chapter 27. Stop or keep fighting?

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Returning to the Palace was mostly silent, aside from the occasional cooing from a baby. She was in Zoya's arms, who walked between Nikolai and me. The Darkling walked in front of us, Ivan and the woman Heartrender behind us.

I couldn't take my eyes of the small bundle and Zoya seemed to notice. ''Would you like to hold her?'' She asked, smiling.

I nodded, also smiling. Zoya assisted me in holding her, and soon the baby was comfortably in my arms. Too comfortable it seemed, as the baby fell fast asleep. I'd never seen so much cuteness in my life. And from that moment on I swore I to myself I would protect her innocence for as long as I could. No matter if she was Grisha or just human.
As I continued to hold the baby in my arms, I noticed the Darkling glance behind him to look at me sometimes. I ignored his gaze, my attention only on the baby and where I walked.

Now that everyone's loyalty was bound to the Darkling, I was the only one still able to kill him. But I was clueless on how I would ever be able to manage that. Should I pretend to give in or really give in? He had centuries on me. Everything I would be able to think of, he already had. He was no weaknesses. Except for me.
But he would never let me come that close. He is always on his guard around me because he knows this. He knows I'm the only weakness he has.

''Alina.'' The Darkling beckoned me. I gave the baby back to Zoya, excusing myself and hurried up to walk alongside the Darkling.

''What do you want?'' I asked bitterly, not in the mood to talk to him.

''Here we go again... I just want to have a conversation with you, Alina.'' He sped up and I followed, so that there was more distance between us and the others. ''I felt your emotions just now, and they weren't happy, obviously. I know you are trying to figure a way out of this situation.'' He looked at me intensely. I swallowed, but kept my eyes trained on him.

''Why shouldn't I? And why does it matter to you? It's not like I could actually do it.''

''Because, despite what you may think of me, I care about you-'' The Darkling began.

''You've a funny way of showing it.'' I interrupted, which earned me a deep sigh and a glare.

''I haven't killed your friends. I showed them mercy.'' He offered, glancing behind us at Nikolai and Zoya. I followed his gaze.

''You haven't killed them yet.'' I countered, and he looked at me again. ''But the minute they step out of line, you will.'' He raised an eyebrow at that.

''I won't, Merzost will. If they obey, they won't have anything to fear.'' He tried to correct me, but I scoffed.

''And what will you do to me if I chose not to obey?" I ask, a defiant look on my face.

"Don't test me, Alina. My mercy for traitors only goes so far. Luckily for me, there are a lot of people at the Palace now who you care for. For their sake..." The Darkling said, glancing behind us before his eyes locked with mine again. "I hope you don't try to defy me."

I glare at him and quicken my pace, not wanting to walk alongside him anymore. He let me.

Arriving at the Palace, I was taken by Ivan to be shown to the Darkling's quarters, while the Darkling left to meet my friends in the War Room and give them their tasks. At least that's what he said. Zoya, Nikolai and the baby were brought to other quarters by the woman Heartrender.

"Home sweet home, Starkov." Ivan's remark annoyed me. I scowled at the Heartrender, who had a wicked smirk plastered on that stupid face of his.

He opened the door to the Darkling's quarters and shoved me inside.
I didn't hear the click of a lock, but didn't hear footsteps, so that meant Ivan was tasked with guarding the door until the Darkling returned.

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