Chapter 10. Revelations

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The Darkling walked behind me on our way back to my room. It wasn't that far but it felt like an eternity, as I felt like his eyes were burning into my back. Our walk was dead silent. 

Then all of a sudden a huge surge of pain went through stomach, my heart and my head. ''Aaah!'' I let out a pained scream and my legs gave way and I fell to the floor, tears in my eyes. ''Why are you killing them? Stop it!'' I screamed at the Darkling. I let out another cry of pain. It hurts so much. Another three sun summoners dead, because of me.

Then an enormous rush of power consumed me, I couldn't contain the light so I released it. The entire corridor blazed a white light. The Darkling winced. ''Enough Alina.'' He said. 

''I-I can't control it.'' I panicked, more light flooded from me. ''Aleksander, please! I'm scared. Stop it.'' I cried out, fear consuming me. 

Then a wave of shadows consumed the light I was casting, my light was fighting it but losing. Everything went darker, and I felt so weak. The light was almost gone now, and I was fighting to stay conscious. ''Stay with me, Alina.'' The Darkling's voice echoed in my head. But I welcomed the darkness, and closed my eyes.


''Alina!'' Mal? It was dark al around me.

''Alina!'' I heard again.

''Mal!'' I cried out.

No answer. ''Mal!'' I cried out again.


''Mal!'' I woke up, to my own screaming. The first thing I noticed that I wasn't in my own room. 
''Where the hell am I?'' I asked myself out loud. I looked at the windows, it was still night.

''You don't recognise the room from earlier?'' An amused voice asked me. The Darkling stepped into my line of sight. I swallowed and sat up.

His amused look changed to one of disdain. ''You were dreaming about the otkazat'sya.'' It wasn't even a question. I nodded. He scoffed. I looked away, not meeting his gaze.

''I can't control what I dream about, Darkling.'' I said angrily.

''You don't seem to be in control of anything lately, my little sun summoner.'' The Darkling said, a bit of concern in his voice.

''It's not my fault you decided to kill all the sun summoners, just so that I could have my power back.'' I spat at him furiously. Tears watering my eyes. ''Everytime one of them dies, I feel their deaths. Last night, I felt three of them at once.'' I sobbed, hiding my face in my hands. ''Why? Why did you order them killed?'' I asked, my voice muffled as I still had my face in my hands.

I felt a weight on the matress as the Darkling sat on the bed next to me. Before I could put some distance between us, he had snaked an arm around me, making me shiver like I always do when our skins touch. ''I want you, I want your power. I don't care what I have to do to get it.'' He whispered in my ear. I started sobbing louder. He held me in his arms as I cried, his chin on my head. ''I love you.'' He whispered in my hair.
I didn't respond.


We must have sat there for hours, because when I finally calmed down and removed my hands from my face, dawn's light crept through the windows already. The Darkling cupped my face, looking at my tear streaked face. ''Sleep, Alina.'' He whispered. I nodded, and lay down on the bed. I didn't expect him to lay down beside me.

''What are you doing?'' I asked him, panick in my voice. He sighed. 

''Sleep, Alina.'' He repeated, watching me.  

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