Chapter 15. With a little luck on our side...

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Despite the whole Palace still being asleep, Mal and I were very careful. I had made us both invisible as we exited the entrance to the prison cells. 

I had a plan. I would sneak Mal into one of the secret passages that ran under the Grand Palace. It connected to the same cave system we used to escape the Darkling in the chapel. When he attacked Os Alta with his army of nichevo'ya and I almost killed him, and myself along with him. When the Soldat Sol rescued us, just for us to become prisoners of the Apparat's cult. I just hoped they had found another cave to hide in. Otherwise, I would be sending Mal straight into another trap.

The only problem we faced that the entrance to the cave system was on the other side of the Grand Palace and it would take us right past the Darkling's quarters. So we cautiously walked through the empty corridors. We passed Ivan once, but he didn't hear or feel us. I felt as if we had luck on our side. 

We picked up the pace a bit, as we came across the corridor that went to the Darkling's quarters. I still wasn't sure if he could see me or not when I was invisible. 

We met no servants or other Grisha as we made it to the statue, behind which was the entrance to the secret tunnel. It almost seemed too easy...

The corridor was empty so I dropped our invisibility. It was time to say goodbye. I hugged Mal firmly. ''Be careful. And tell Nikolai I said hi.'' I whispered softly into his ears.

''I will.'' Mal promised me. Then he pulled away a bit and cupped my face. Our lips met in a long, loving kiss.

We didn't waste any more words after that. He took one more look at my face and let me go. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Then he vanished behind the statue, leaving me alone in the corridor, hoping he would make it.


The sun was already rising by the time I made it back to the Darkling's bedroom. I had made myself invisible again and slipped through the bedroom door, closing it soundlessly behind me. 

''Where were you?'' An angry Darkling looked at me, while I was still invisible. I sighed, making myself visible again.

''Okay, you caught me.'' I said putting my hands up in surrender, mockingly. ''I was in the library digging up information about Ilya Morozova again.'' I lied, but it sounded like very good acting to me. 

But the Darkling's eyes narrowed as he studied my expression. ''Why don't I believe you?'' He asked me suspiciously.

''Because you have trust issues?'' I retorted, pointing out the obvious. ''Look I wanted answers, and since you won't give them to me, I had to find some other means to obtain them.'' I felt like I believed my answer myself. Hopefully, he would too.

The Darkling studied me for a few moments. ''Well, at least you had the good sense to not try and escape.'' He said warningly.

''I would never leave Mal in your evil clutches.'' I said, knowing he expected that to be my answer. ''Speaking about Mal,'' I continued. ''I want to see him.''

He rolled his eyes at me and sighed. ''I want things too.'' He shrugged.

I pretended to be angry at him. ''Why won't you let me see him?'' I asked.

He didn't answer. He just put on his Kefta and smiled. ''Let's go, you and I are going somewhere.'' He opened the door and held out his arm to me.

I was still faking being angry so I crossed my arms and as I walked past him, bumped into his arm. He shot me an annoyed look but didn't reach out to me. Instead, he beckoned me to follow him as he led the way. I remained a few steps behind him as I walked. 

When we crossed the Grand Palace's grounds and I noticed we were walking towards the Little Palace, curiosity got the best of me. I quickened my pace to walk beside him. ''Why are we heading towards the Little Palace?'' I asked curiously.

''We're having breakfast with the other Grisha today. I thought it best for them to get a glimpse of you again. Since many still believe you're dead.'' The Darkling explained. I nodded in understanding, but as I looked around me, I suddenly became aware of a missing presence. 

''Where is Ivan?'' I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. Ivan never left me as I walked the grounds, even with the Darkling present.

''Didn't know you've grown a soft spot for him.'' The Darkling laughed.

''I haven't, but he never leaves me alone. He's like a guard dog.'' I said sarcastically. 

''I'm with you now, it's not like you can run away. But if you must know, he just left to check on that otkazat'sya of yours, to prepare him for our travel south.'' My breath caught and my eyes widened. But I stayed calm. 

''I didn't know we would be traveling south so soon.'' I said, in a bit of an angry voice. ''You could have told me that.''

The Darkling laughed a short laugh. ''You're not in the inner circle yet, my little sun. But don't worry. Once the remaining three sun summoners are dead, and the Amplifier is dead, you will have more freedom. I'll be able to find you anywhere, once our connection strengthens.''
He looked at me, as I shot him a glare. But before I could say anything, I noticed Ivan running towards us. The Darkling followed my gaze and his face angered. 

As Ivan reached us, the Darkling took my left hand into his. Knowing what would come next, I didn't struggle. I had to remain calm.

''The otkazat'sya, moi soverennyi.'' Ivan said, catching his breath. ''He's escaped.'' 
My heart leaped with happiness in my chest. But that all changed quickly as the Darkling looked at me again. A lump began to form in my throat as I watched his angered expression fixed on me. I swallowed. 

''Exactly what were you doing this morning, Alina?' His voice was deadly calm. 

''I already told you I was-'' I began, but winced as his fingers dug into my arm. 

''Don't. Lie. To. Me.'' He warned, his dark eyes as cold as ice. ''What did you do with that tracker of yours?''

''What are you talking about? I haven't seen him since you dragged me away from his cell.'' I said, but my voice wavered and he noticed. The Darkling raised an eyebrow at me. 

''Where did you let him escape, Alina?'' He asked me impatiently. He strengthened the hold on my arm and I winced again.

''Not telling you.'' I told him through gritted teeth, as the hold on my arm remained painful. He growled at me in annoyance and shoved me towards Ivan, who caught both my arms.

''Put her under and take her to our room. I'll find the otkazat'sya myself. And when I do, it won't be pretty.'' The Darkling ordered Ivan, but the last sentence was directed at me. I struggled out of Ivan's grip and managed to fling myself at the Darkling, who only nodded. As I reached for his throat, I noticed my heartbeat slowing. Ivan. 

''N-no.'' I tried to remain standing. But as my legs gave way, the Darkling caught me and picked me up in bridal style, my head against his shoulder. I was fighting the darkness, but it slowly gained the upper hand.

''You should know better by now than to cross me, my Alina.'' The Darkling whispered in my ear. The last thing I felt was him handing me over to Ivan. 


Hi everyone!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please leave any thoughts you have in the comments, I would love to hear from you!




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