Chapter 6. Ready

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I stood there, still with the knife to my throat and still smiling. 

''Ivan do someting.'' The Darkling hissed. But Ivan shook his head murmering something I coudn't hear. Apparently it was bad news for the Darkling because he looked even more angry than before. ''Useless'' He spat to Ivan, who winced.

I kept smiling. I was ready. I knew my friends' life were worth more than mine to me.
''My patience is wearing thin, Darkling. Either you release my friends and give me your word that you won't harm them, or I'll slit my throat and your precious sun summoner will die!''

The Darkling stared at me with a look. It was hard to read. Was it curiosity? Anger?
''Now, now Alina. Just put the knife down and we'll talk about this. We both know you wouldn't actually kill yourself...'' His voice was soft, but dangerously calm.

''Wouldn't I?'' I scoffed. ''Why wouldn't I? If you hurt my friends then I have nothing to live for anymore. I can't negotiate with anything else, I have no choice but to do this.'' I pressed the knife deeper into my skin. 

''Alina...'' The Darkling said warningly. He took a step forward.

''Don't come any closer!'' I yelled pressing the knife so deep in my skin that I drew blood. I shivered. The metal was icy cold against my throat. ''I'll do it. I promise you that I will. Let my friends go. Now!''

The Darkling stopped moving and put his hands up, his face red with anger but his voice is still calm. ''Okay, Alina. But you stay. That's the deal.''

I nodded once. 

The Darkling studied me just another moment longer. 

''Then the deal is the deal.'' He said, and he gestured to Ivan to stand down. Ivan looked at him, surprised, but didn't argue. Genya and David were released and they ran past the Darkling, towards me. I lowered my knife just a bit. When Genya and David reached me I smiled a sad smile. ''I'm sorry he took you both. Go now, Nikolai and Zoya are waiting.''

Genya looked at me surprised. ''No Alina, we can't leave you here. Come with us, please!''

''Don't get any ideas, Alina!'' The Darkling warned me. I glared at him.

''The deal is the deal.'' I said, assuring him. He nodded in return.

Genya shook her head furiously. ''We can't just leave you here with him!'' She shot a murderous look at the Darkling, who raised an eyebrow in return.

''Yes. You can, and you will.'' I said, there was a sense of finality to my voice. I think Genya realised she couldn't convince me. So she hugged me, a little awkwardly since I still kept the knife to my throat.

''We'll come back for you, I promise.'' She whispered.

''Don't. I'll be okay.'' I looked Genya with a warm smile.

Doubt crossed her face as she released me, took David's hand and ran around the corridor. Out of my sight. Their footsteps soon fading from my hearing as well.

I released a relieved sigh. I looked at the Darkling triumphantly, who returned it with a cold glare. ''Drop the knife, Alina. Now.'' He warned me.

''Don't go back on your word, and I will.'' I snapped, afraid that he would go back on his word.

He let out a sigh of frustration. ''The deal is the deal, Alina.'' He said angrily. ''Now drop the knife. Don't you go back on your word.''

''The deal is the deal.'' I repeated. And I dropped the knife. It fell on the floor with a loud clang. Then silence filled the hall. 

''You drive a hard bargain, miss Starkov.'' The Darkling said as he started walking towards me. I felt fear rush through my body at the sight of his expression. The anger was written all over his face. ''But I'll make you a promise.'' He continued. ''If you ever pull such a stunt again, I will hunt down everyone you've ever loved. Even those precious children of yours at the orphanage.'' He saw the surprise on my face and smirked. ''Yes, I know all about what you and your otkazat'sya have been up to since my absence.''

My eyes widened in horror. ''Aleksander, no. Those are children you are threatening!'' I tried to reason with him. He just smiled at me and leaned into me. His mouth was now next to my ear, his warm breath prickling my skin. 

''Then I suggest you behave.'' He whispered in my ear.


Hi everyone.

I've just noticed that I haven't left an authors note in any of my chapters. Stupid me!

I hope you like the Fanfiction so far. I'm a huge fan of Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse and fell in love with the (rather toxic) chemistry between the Darkling and Alina Starkov. I just didn't like that she ended up with Mal. But then I like toxic relationships. So I hope you enjoy reading this. I promise that the Darkling will be showing his good side sometime soon, but don't forget Alina killed him. 

Forgive me for any grammar mistakes. English isn't my native language. (I'm from the Netherlands)

Love you guyss!

Enjoy reading!




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