Chapter One- A day with Klee

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Y/n hadn't exactly signed up for babysitting when she had wanted to be a knight of Favonius. The general idea had been to move out, train hard, and eventually become a national hero. The first two parts of her plan had worked out perfectly. The last part was still pending. There wasn't exactly a lot to do, seeing as the Honorary Knight had taken that glory a long time ago.

Unfortunately, there was nothing on y/n's plate besides chasing after Spark Knight Klee. The wolf-boy Razor had made yet another complaint to the Honorary Knight about the small girl burning a forest hillside. As soon as Jean (sorry, "Master Jean) had caught wind of it, she had put her foot down once and for all. She'd even vowed on her sword that she would personally keep an eye on Klee at all times, completely forgetting that she had made a similar oath to Barbara that she would take a vacation. Amber, Eula and the Honorary Knight all promised to take turns watching Klee while Jean was away. Somehow y/n had gotten roped into it as well, and here she was, chasing the tiny girl through Wolvendom.

She didn't know why the other knights had thought her vision could keep Klee in check. Using vines to retrain people is all well and good, but they don't stand a chance against a tiny Pyro user.

Y/n jumped over a fallen log, her boots barely grazing the bark. The woods were foggy but she could hear the telltale jingle of Klee's outfit. Suddenly, the woods went quiet. Klee must have realized it would be too hard to keep running and decided to hide. But where could she be...

"Gotcha!" Y/n yelled as she yanked Klee out of a bush.

"No no noooooo!" Klee whimpered and kicked her legs.

"Oh yes yes yes, you little troublemaker." Said y/n, trying to shake the girl as little as possible. You never knew what kind of explosives could be hidden in her cute backpack.

"Y/n you're such a meany. I just wanted to go on an adventure by myself today!"

"Hey, don't blame me. Blame Master Jean. I didn't even want to watch you but here I am."

Klee pouted and hung limply from y/n's arms.

"Does that mean you don't like Klee?" The child's eyes were filling with tears.

Y/n frantically set her down.

"What? No- Klee! Please don't cry! No no no that's not what I meant! I just meant that I'm a knight too and I like solo adventures as much as you."

"So- sniff- so you don't hate me?"

"No, of course not."

Y/n bent down and wiped the tears of Klee's face.

"Now, will you please come quietly back to Monstadt with me? We can do whatever you want in the city. Within reason. And if you're good, I might even help you escape tomorrow."

Klee's big eyes lit up.

"Ok! Klee will be very good! Pinky promise."

"Good. Now let's get back to the city."


Klee skipped happily through the city gates

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Klee skipped happily through the city gates. Y/n took a moment to greet the guards and lean against the cool stone. Who knew that watching a kid could be so exciting! And she really seemed to have a hard time being good. They'd almost had a fish blasting incident, but y/n mimicked Master Jean's famous glare and Klee quickly packed away her bombs.

The sun was just beginning to set and the golden light reflected off of the clean streets, making them look like they were made of gold. Klee pointed excitedly to Good Hunter.

"Please can we go there? The other knights take me all the time."

Y/n let Klee drag her over to the restaurant.

"Well if it isn't the Leaf Knight and the Spark Knight! What brings you two here at dinner time? I can't say that I've seen you together before." Said Sara.

Klee was too preoccupied with the menu to answer.

"It's a long story." Said y/n.

"Oh, gotcha." Sara winked.

Klee tugged at y/n's sleeve. "Y/n, y/n! Can I get fisherman's toast?"

Y/n dug around in her belt pouch and handed Sara some Mora.

Klee grabbed the large hunk of saucy bread in both hands and happily took a huge bite. Y/n laughed as Klee got more and more sauce on her face.

When Klee was done eating she begged to go to go to Angel's Share.

"Please y/n? You always go there, I know you do! Klee wants to go too."

"Klee.. it's more for grown ups.."

Klee's lip quivered.

"Fine, fine. We can stop by before you go home." Said y/n. Klee skipped happily towards the tavern, and y/n hoped Diluc wouldn't put up too much of a fuss.

The tavern wasn't too crowded, so y/n helped Klee climb up onto one of the bar stools. Diluc was behind the bar, his coat and gloves impeccably neat as ever. He raised an eyebrow as he wiped a glass dry.

"What's this? I didn't expect to see the Spark Knight in here with you tonight."

"That's what Sara said too!" Klee piped up. Y/n could tell that Klee was trying to look as grown up as possible. Her tiny hands were folded on the counter and she was holding her head higher than normal.

"One wine please." Klee said.

"Uh-uh, no wine for you, Klee. Make that two apple ciders."

Y/n risked a glance at Diluc as he quietly got their drinks. Klee was going to be the death of her. She didn't need any more reasons for Diluc to judge her. If one thing in all of Teyvat was certain, it was that Diluc would judge her mercilessly for any small mistake.


Klee happily swung her legs as she finished the last of her cider

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Klee happily swung her legs as she finished the last of her cider. The windows were dark now and the tavern was filling up. Y/n her her name called. She turned and saw Huffman weaving through the other customers. He briefly greeted Diluc and came over to y/n.

"I'm here to collect the Spark Knight Klee. Did she give you any trouble?"

Y/n looked over at Klee who was starting to sleepily rub her eyes.

"Nope." Y/n smiled. "No trouble at all."

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