Chapter 6- When Disaster Strikes

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Y/n held a newspaper over her head as she ran across the street to Kaeya's apartment. The rain pelted her like tiny bullets and her hair was significantly moist when she scampered into Kaeya's sitting room.
Tonight was their bi-weekly chess night. Y/n was SO ready to beat him.
Normal chess nights are pretty tame, but y/n and Kaeya had found a way to make it extremely entertaining. This time was drinking night, so y/n was steeling herself for a bit of a headache the next day.

Kaeya handed her some biscuits and a bottle of wine as soon as she got her coat off. The game started off friendly enough, but Kaeya was actually paying attention this time. He had her king backed into a solid corner, so she was forced to drink.
Y/n got back at him by absolutely throttling him in the next three rounds. Kaeya ended up too drunk to continue, so he lay on the couch humming softly to himself. He wasn't a sloppy drunk, which y/n hated, but he was such a flirt that it was almost worse.
He stared at her from under his eyelashes as she gathered up the wine glasses and chess pieces that were scattered on the floor.

"Y/n... y/n~" He called.

"Hm? You need something Kaeya?"

He laughed under his breath.
"Why do you always think I need something? Maybe I just want to talk to you."
Y/n cocked her head to one side.
"Kaeya, you're so helpless when you're drunk, you always need something."

Kaeya rolled his visible eye and stretched his arms out.
"Wellll this time I need a kiss goodnight before you go."
Y/n laughed. Her head was a little wuzzy, but she wasn't that buzzed.
"I'm not kissing you , Mr Cavalry Captain. I haven't done that since we were little kids.
"All the more reason to do it again! Come here, see? My cheek is ready and waiting."

Y/n ignored his puppy dog eye and brought all of the dirty dishes to the kitchen. She left the glasses in the sink for Kaeya to wash later. It would serve him right for being such a drunk.
She grabbed her coat off the rack and was about to pass Kaeya on her way to the door, when she noticed he was out cold. His breathing was slow and steady and his hair was blowing softly away from his face.
Y/n laughed through her nose and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.

"What a big baby."

Y/n heard a chuckle. She looked down and Kaeya had his hand on the arm that was supporting her.

"Well, I've dreamed of waking up underneath you many times, but I never knew it would be today."
Y/n's heart skipped a beat, but reminded herself that he was just drunk. Her mixed feelings for him always insisted on coming up at the most in opportune moments.

She pushed herself off of him and headed for the door.
"Well, enjoy that memory 'cause it's the closest you're gonna get."

She could hear him laughing sleepily as she slammed the door behind herself.
. . .
The rain hadn't gotten any better. If anything, it was much worse. Sheets of rain feel from the sky in shimmering ripples. All the houses on y/n's street has the shutters closed, only letting teeny slivers of golden light flow out.
Y/n dropped her coat on the floor and stumbled over to her bed. Now that she was alone, she realized how tired she was. Even though she didn't drink a lot of wine, it still made her sleepy.

Y/n kicked off her shoes, slipped out of her clothes, and pulled the covers over herself, not bothering to change into pajamas. She closed her eyes and let the sound of the rain carry her off to sleep.

The next thing y/n knew, the front of her apartment was gone. She sat up in a daze, realizing the stones were gone and there was a small fire blazing in the corner. Rain was pouring in through the hole, and her dresser was completely crispy. She took the water from her nightstand and doused the small flames before grabbing her coat and her vision and ran into the street. A small crowd was already gathering, everyone rubbing their eyes and looking around questioningly.
Y/n recognized Donna and jogged over to her.

"Donna, do you know what's happening?"

Donna had been talking to an adventurer from the guild who turned and answered y/n.

"Lightning. It struck the apartments just right. Best show I've seen in years, I'd say. Excellent aim."

Donna looked apologetic.
"I'm sorry. It really does look like lightning got your apartment perfectly."

Y/n shook her head and ran back to her house. She used her vision to quickly grow some vines over the gaping hole.

"Ok guys, nothing to see here, shoo."

The crowd slowly moved away. Some went back to their houses and others still stood and gawked from afar.

Y/n crouched on the street and tried to clear her pounding head.
Let's see. She thought. I've got my coat and my vision. That should be fine for now, right? Right. I just need a place to sleep and I can sort this out in the morning. Ok. Get up. I'll just- I'll just crash at Angel's Share. Yeah. That sounds fine. There's probably a blanket or two in there.

Y/n got up and pulled her long coat around her.

When y/n made it to the tavern, she was soaking wet, but the door was unlocked, so she slipped inside

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When y/n made it to the tavern, she was soaking wet, but the door was unlocked, so she slipped inside. Most of the lights were off and she figured it must be early in the morning. She found herself a nice corner booth and scrounged was scrounging around for a blanket when she heard a board creak.

"Who-" She called.
A hand clamped over her mouth.

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