Chapter 19- Stuck Between a Book and a Broad Chest

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Kaeya's low laugh floated out the dining hall doors and hit y/n's ears like an arrow, piercing her

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Kaeya's low laugh floated out the dining hall doors and hit y/n's ears like an arrow, piercing her. She staggered a bit and steadied herself against the paneled wall, closing her eyes and breathing through her nose. She hadn't expected being near him to hurt this much.

Sure, the thought of him and that fateful night made her cringe every moment she pictured it, but now, hearing his voice and knowing she would see him, she was thoroughly overwhelmed.

"Y/n?" A quiet voice asked.

She looked up, her hand plastered to her chest, to see Amber standing in the doorway.

"A-Amber. What are you doing here?"

"I'm not sure. Jean just said to be here. Nice dress." The outrider looked her up and down appreciatively.

"Thanks....It- It was a gift from Diluc."

Amber looked like she wanted to comment, but instead she asked,
"You know he's here, don't you? Will you be alright seeing him?"

Y/n sucked in another large breath, held it, let it go, and nodded.

"I hope so."

Diluc's voice and the tapping of a spoon against a glass cut over the murmurs from the other room.

"Good evening. I'm happy to see almost everyone is here. I know we are still waiting on a few people... Wait, where is y/n?"

Amber grabbed y/n's hand and led her into the room. Suddenly, all eyes were on them. Or, maybe they were all on y/n.

Lisa let out a low whistle.
"Well, well. I see y/n decided to make the most of the occasion. Beautiful dress sweetie."

Y/n raked her eyes over the crowd. She was glad to see she wasn't overdressed per se, but she was still managing to stand out like a loose thread.

Lisa was in a floor length purple evening dress, Amber had a swingy red cocktail dress, and Eula had taken her chance to raid the Lawrence clan's special closet. Her shimmering blue gown had a fair amount of slits and glittering pieces that probably weren't fake diamonds. Lumine was in her normal dress.
Jean, who was looking quickly from y/n to Diluc and back again, had opted for a much more dress-like version of her usual uniform.
Y/n could hear Noelle and Rosaria's voices floating over the crowd but her mind was too busy slowly melting into a puddle of anxiety for her to notice.

Y/n fidgeted with the slit near her leg until Amber pulled her hand away.

"Found her." Said the Outrider.

Y/n looked quickly around the room and saw that, indeed, Kaeya was there, and he was staring at her.

His eyes blew over her, quickly taking in her wine-colored dress and exposed collarbones before he turned swiftly back to the wine he had been pouring. Diluc was helping Jean to her seat, but his gaze still flickered over to y/n.

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