Chapter 11- Preparations, Dangers, Goodbyes, and Hellos

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Y/n covered her face with her rolled up sleeve. Diluc looked up from his desk.

"That's it y/n, one more sneezing fit like that and I'll assume you have a cold and you cannot continue work."

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Okay Masted Diluc. Whatever you say Master Diluc."

Diluc's brow creased.
"Are you...copying Paimon?"

"No comment."

"When are the girls coming for the festival papers?"

"No idea, Master Diluc."

Y/n burrowed her head back into the book she'd been reading. She had some time off (not really her choice, just another 'precaution' to throw off the abyss should they be planning something) so she had decided to put it to good use by writing a letter to her parents and then burying her face in as many books as possible.

So far Diluc hadn't commented on her uncharacteristic relaxedness. He was probably just happy that she could sit still, even if she rarely did.

Y/n still felt horribly awkward around Diluc, but the awkwardness was shifting at the very least. Things weren't constantly tense, but she still couldn't figure out a way to get him alone and willing to talk.

It shouldn't be this hard to apologize, right?

A rumble of thunder filled the late afternoon sky. Small droplets of rain fell against the window panes while the dark clouds that had been threatening them all day finally rolled in.
Y/n yawned, pulled a blanket off of the couch armrest, and snuggled deeper into the couch. She debated moving to her bedroom for some privacy, but the fire was crackling cheerfully and Diluc was thoroughly engrossed in his work.
Y/n woke up to the sounds of scraping at the front door. She saw Diluc glance over at the door so she sleepily waved a hand and said,
"It's okay, I'll get it."

She walked over to the heavy doors, fully expecting a maid that had gotten locked out, but instead she was greeted by Eula, Razor, and Diona the cat girl. Diona and Eula looked fine, but Razor was slumped between them, with a gnarly gash running down his leg.

"Razor! Oh no!"

Diluc appeared quietly behind her and ushered the small group inside. One of the maids took Eula's cape and folded it neatly while the Diona shook the rain off of herself and onto the sleek hardwood floors.

"We found him just outside of Wolvendom as we were on our way to help with festival preparations." Explained Eula. "It seems he was ambushed by three pyro abyss mages at once and he had a beast of a time fighting them off." Eula looked down at the wolf boy who was now lying on the couch.
"I swear to you, Razor, I will take revenge on them."

Y/n smiled. He couldn't be hurt too bad because Eula could still threaten her vengeance. Diluc stood awkwardly to the side with his arms crossed. Diona was pacing back and forth inspecting the furniture, stopping to glare at Diluc every few laps.

"So," y/n cleared her throat. "Why don't I call for Barbara and we can work on festival business while she heals him."

Diona crossed her arms and said shrilly,
"That shiny hack? No way. I'll do the healing. I just didn't want his leg to freeze in the rain."

Diona leaned over the boy and listened to his pained breath.

"Razor? Psst! Are you awake?"


"Hm? What was that?"


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