Chapter 9-Back Where We Started (Part 1)

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The heavy keys jingled on the ring as Diluc unlocked the manor door. Y/n nodded in thanks as he held the door open and she stepped quickly inside.

"It's significantly brighter than the last time I was here."

Diluc flicked a flame onto a candle by the door and walked in. He took y/n's coat motioned to a table by the door.

"Well, daylight tends to make things brighter. You can set your bag on the table. The maids came back this afternoon so they can take care of it."

Y/n set her bag down on the table and stood for a second staring absentmindedly out a window. She fidgeted with her vision as she thought about the way Kaeya had said goodbye. She'd always known he was incredibly flirtatious but she also thought she was immune to it. He was like that with everyone, so why did her heart squeeze a bit when he got close?

There was a tap on her shoulder and she jumped. Diluc cocked his head questioningly.

"What are you thinking about so hard y/n?"

Y/n pressed her lips together and shook her head.
"It's nothing. I was just admiring the view."

Diluc stood next to her and looked out.
"The view... I guess I've gotten used to it."

Y/n didn't know if it was her imagination, but he seemed colder towards her than usual. The previous night had been interesting at least, but now he was acting as stiff and formal as ever.

How does a child grow up to be like THIS? Thought y/n.

Y/n stood in the doorway of her old room watching the evening light stream in

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Y/n stood in the doorway of her old room watching the evening light stream in. Her old bed was sitting bare in one of the sunbeams, the covers long stripped away. There was a thin coat of dust on the window sills, and it smelled like it hadn't been opened in a while, but it was her old home.
Y/n moved the bed to the side a little and looked down. Sure enough, there was the small set of initials her and Kaeya had giggled over when they found out what Diluc was carving.
"DR + y/n"


Y/n ran her fingers over the wobbly handwriting and smiled to herself. They had been such good friends when they were little, it was getting harder and harder for her to figure out how they had grown so far apart.

Thinking about Kaeya brought y/n back to that afternoon. He had whispered so close and kissed her ear. He'd done that since they were children, but this time felt different, more...possessive. His eyes had shown with icy light when he'd seen her bruise. She feared for
whoever dared to try and actually hurt her.

Y/n fell back on the bed with a soft 'plop'. A little dust pooled around her and swirled into the sunbeams in a shimmering dance. She stuck her hands into the air above her, then groaned and covered her face. Why was she thinking about Kaeya so much all of a sudden? He and Diluc had both been super protective, even if she could beat Kaeya in a fight any day. She had a vision! She wasn't some helpless villager, yet they kept doing everything in their power to protect her.

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