Chapter 7- Night Encounter

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Y/n swept her leg behind her and felt it connect with another limb. She kicked hard and her attacker jumped back just enough for her to twist around and get an elbow in their ribs. The assailant quickly retaliated by putting her into a tight headlock.

She heard a low voice by her ear as they asked,
"Who are you and what are you doing sneaking around my tavern?"

Y/n's eyes widened.

"D-Diluc? Oh Celestia you scared me."

The grip around her neck loosened a bit.

"Y/n? Is that you?"

"Yeah," Y/n coughed. "It's me. Let up on the headlock, will you?"

Diluc let go of her and took a quick step back. Y/n tripped and it took a second to get her balance. When she looked up, Diluc was standing across from her with his arms crossed.

"What are you doing here, y/n?" He asked. "And why are you sopping wet?"

Y/n quickly covered her chest with her arms.
"My apartment got hit by the lightning. The whole front is damaged so I had to find a place to sleep for the night. I'm sorry if I startled you, I didn't think you'd mind if I stayed here."

Diluc leaned against some railing.
"Why didn't you ask one of your fellow knights? I'm sure Kaeya has enough room."

"Well," said y/n. "Kaeya isn't exactly sober right now. And I don't want to disturb the rest of the knights. They've all got work tomorrow."

Diluc pinched the bridge of his nose.
"And you thought that sleeping on a hard bench would be best for you?"

Y/n squinted at him in the dim light.
"Why all the questions? Do you not believe me or something?"

"No, it's not that. Never mind." Diluc grabbed y/n's shoulder and steered her towards the exit. "You can stay at the winery tonight, there's plenty of room. The maids aren't even in the house right now. Plus you can't stay in those wet things forever."

Y/n tried to open her mouth to protest, but a sneeze came instead.

Diluc just shook his scarlet head.
"It's still torrential out there. Are you ready to go fast?"
Y/n pulled her hair into a tight bun and nodded.
Y/n shivered as the wind lashed around her bare legs. The rain had let up slightly, but the drops were still hitting her like aquatic bullets. Diluc was fiddling with some keys and he finally got the front door open. The heavy doors groaned, and the threshold creaked when they stepped over. It was as if the house was an old woman complaining about how the rain got to her bones.

The front hall was dark, but y/n could tell that things were mostly where she remembered. Diluc marched immediately over to the fireplace and started a fire.

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