Chapter 23- Memories

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Y/n tossed back and forth in her camp bed, trying to find a divot that didn't have lumps in it. The Knights of Favonius were well-off and could get almost any equipment , but apparently comfortable bedding wasn't a priority. Eventually she gave up and grabbed her blanket as she walked outside her tent into the cool night air. The stars were bright and icy as they hung over the camp and she hoped their splendor was a good omen for the battle to come.

She took a small path around the tents and ended up sitting under a tree and wrapping her bedding around her like a cape. She could see down to the camp where all but Jean's tent had the light off.

She's probably up late ironing out details with Diluc.

Y/n could feel her mind wandering and she smacked her cheeks to clear her head.

"No." She said out loud. "Do not think about it. It's none of your business if they enjoy each other's company. They're both amazing warriors and it's just an honor to serve under them. Period."

She sighed, layed on the cool, damp grass and closed her eyes.

Barbatos, please. Some sleep would be amazing right now.

 Some sleep would be amazing right now

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Clang! Swish! Grunt!

Cobblestones crunched underfoot and swords clashed.

Y/n had her left hand behind her back and she still managed to drive Kaeya back strike by strike. His long arms gave him enough reach to avoid getting cut, but his reflexes weren't being helpful at all.

He laughed nervously.
"Y/n, please, this is practice. I hardly think I warrant a beating at the moment."

Y/n feinted left and he just barely blocked her.

"Plus I don't think it's fair." He continued. "Since you have a vision and I don't."

She rolled her eyes and said,
"It doesn't matter either way. I'm not even using it."

He laughed and quickly darted out of the way of another close attack.

"Well you can't blame me for wanting whatever edge I can get."

Y/n and Kaeya were 15 and Diluc (who was watching them from the corner of the back patio) was nearly 17.

Y/n had received her vision at the ripe age of 13 and she'd been flaunting it since the first day she got it. Apparently her fervor for becoming a knight went beyond normal passion.

The two kids continued their sword dance until Kaeya started gaining an advantage. Y/n's foot slipped on a stone and Kaeya couldn't help taunting her a bit.

"Hah! How do you like that? I believe this is what you call 'payback'. And you were doing so well..."

His mistake. He had his arms lowered just enough to let y/n land a solid hit on his shoulder with the flat of her dull blade. Kaeya was left reeling back and sulkily holding his shoulder.

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