Chapter 15- The Prince of Wine

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Y/n sat lost in thought at one of the Angel's Share tables, a glass of wine sitting untouched in front of her. It was well past 22:00 and the dancing hadn't shown any sign of stopping.
Lumine and Childe sat in a table near her and Lumine would occasionally look up and give y/n an excited look. Childe, however, never took his eyes off the traveler.

Amber came back to the table and gently touched y/n's shoulder.
"Will you be ok if I go home?"

Y/n looked up and gave Amber an unsure smile.
"Yeah, I'll be okay, It's better if I just have time to think."

"Okay." Said Amber. "Let me know if you need anything." She gave y/n a tight hug and left the tavern.

Y/n sat still and let the thoughts swirl around in her head like a raging hurricane.

I've let myself consider this before, sure. But...could he actually have feelings for me? Apparently.
But do I have feelings for him?

She tried to imagine herself in his arms and was surprised at how natural it felt. They had always been close, but she was starting to let herself think, no, hope, that they could be closer.

She suddenly found herself thinking about Diluc.

As much as I like Kaeya, sometimes my heart skips a beat when I'm around Diluc too. And Kaeya does seem to suspect Diluc of "stealing" me. But no, Diluc and Master Jean definitely have something there. I'm sure they'll get together when she gets back from vacation.

Y/n shifted in her seat.

Then again, he did say those things when we were younger. Archons, I wish I could forget that drunken confession. No, Diluc and Jean are always talking when they're together. There's a clear spark.

The thoughts slowed to a trickle until all she could think about was Kaeya's smile, his silky hair and tan skin, and the way his laugh felt against her neck when he kissed her ear.

Her thoughts were broken by the door of Angel's Share swinging open with a bang.
Kaeya sashayed in and y/n instantly wondered how much he'd drunk. He wasn't plastered, but his eyes weren't completely focused.
She hoped he wouldn't notice her, but no such luck. He came to the table and smacked both hands down on either side of her.

"You...y/n....I have to speak with you."

"S-sure Kaeya, just, hold on. Maybe later when you're not drunk."

"No." He said quietly. "Right now."

He grabbed her hand, led her through the crowded tavern and out into the street

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He grabbed her hand, led her through the crowded tavern and out into the street. She followed him into the alley by the bar and tried to look casual by leaning against the wall. The chilly night air bit into her skin and she clenched her teeth to keep them from chattering.

"Y/n." Kaeya said slowly. "I think you know why we're out here."

Y/n couldn't meet his eyes, but she nodded slightly.

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