Chapter 13- Tavern Talk

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The late afternoon light filled the tavern with a warm glow and the wine in Kaeya's cup looked extra appetizing. He gripped the goblet and downed the wine in one gulp. Diluc raised an eyebrow at him from across the counter.

"It's not even the evening and you're already drinking. You're taking this festival quite seriously, aren't you."

"Of course. I'm the most festive of gentleman. But don't worry, brother, I'll make sure to pay my bill."

"Thank Barbatos." Muttered Diluc.

"You called?" Said the young bard at the end of the bar.

The brothers gave him a weird look but mostly ignored him. The citizens tended to go a little crazy at festivals. Kaeya nodded his head towards the stairs.

"Let's go somewhere more private to talk."

"I have nothing to discuss with you, Knight. Drink your wine and leave."

Kaeya glared over his cup.
"Oh, I think you do have something to discuss. I'll meet you at the usual table upstairs."

The brothers made their way upstairs and made sure they were alone. Both of them failed to see the red-haired Nun sitting at a table bathed in shadows.

Kaeya's eyes were icy as he tapped three fingers on the table in front of him. Diluc sat with his arms crossed and glared right back.

"So." Said Kaeya. "You've finally done it."

"Done what? Become a wine tycoon? You flatter me." Diluc crossed his legs.

"You know what I mean, brother. You've finally stolen y/n."

Diluc shifted uncomfortably.
"Stolen y/n? I think the wine has gone to your head. You can't 'steal' a woman."

"Oh? Well it's my understanding that you had y/n stay at the manor while I was gone, yes?"

"That is correct."

"And you didn't let her out of your sight."

"More or less."

"And you threw a dinner for just the two of you. And gave her a gown."


"Then I'm right. You've stolen her." Kaeya raised his voice. "You knew how much I... and you- you blatantly took her."

Diluc was trying his best to keep his composure.

"Kaeya, I won't disagree. I have been kind to y/n, I've dared to maybe hope that we would somehow get closer through it. But make no mistake, she still remains her own person. Everything I've done has only solidified myself as a dear, possibly extremely annoying, friend in her mind. Nothing more."

Diluc stood.

"And you. Don't think for even a moment that I would feel ashamed of getting closer to her. You know how little I care for your regard now, so do not be surprised if, yes, I do still want her. But I've been a fool for too long. I can see she doesn't care for me in that way, and probably never will."

Kaeya stood as well.
"Well, then I guess I must inform you that I will be telling y/n how I feel. Tonight. I'll come by to tell you the results if you wish, but maybe you'll want to spare yourself the pain."

Diluc pressed his lips into a thin line.
"Fine. I suppose there's nothing else to say. Just finish your drink and get out, I have a bar to get back to."

Diluc brushed out of the room and down the stairs, Kaeya following in his wake. The outer door slammed and the upstairs was quiet once more.

Rosaria took a bite of her bourguignon and washed it down with wine.

"Now that," she said. "Is some really intriguing information."

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