Chapter 14- People-watching

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~A/N: hey everyone, I just wanna say thanks so much for reading! If you think of something, please don't hesitate to comment. Reading Wattpad comments is one of my favorite things to do~

Noelle spun Klee around while Eula elegantly tangoed by herself in the middle of the swaying crowd. It was 21:00 and the streets around the Archon statue were now lit with hundreds of alchemy-made lanterns. Y/n laughed as she was passed from arm to arm in the dance, her feet working as quickly as they could.

The nun Barbara was singing on the balcony outside of the cathedral and her most devoted fans were crowded around her while the rest of the citizens took part in the dance.

The song that had been playing ended and y/n was left gasping and panting for breath. Amber leaned on a column of the breezeway and giggled.

"I haven't had to fight for my life like that in a while! These kids are so energetic." She said.

As if to prove her point, Klee and Diona ran past them shrieking and hiding between villager's legs.

"I think the sticky honey roast is working against me." Said y/n. "I need to sit down."

"Here, let's get some more cider and climb the breezeway to watch from the roof." Suggested Amber.

The knights settled themselves comfortably and observed the swirling mass of bodies while a slow waltz began to play. The girls started pointing out interesting details.

"Hey," said Amber. "Is that Lumine? I think it is. She's sitting alone by the statue. Is she waiting for something?"

"More like waiting for someone! Look over there." Y/n pointed to the dance and Amber gasped a bit.

"The Harbinger. Of course."

"He has a name, Amber."

"Oh yeah. 'Childe'." Amber stuck out her tongue. "Whatever, he's still fatui."

"But haven't you noticed that Lumine doesn't call him 'harbinger' or 'Childe'? And she doesn't say 'Tartaglia' either."

"What?" Amber turned to look at y/n.

"Yeah." Giggled y/n. "She's the only one who calls him 'Ajax'."

Both girls raised their eyebrows at each other and took sips of their drinks. Sure enough , they saw Childe kneel down and sign something to Lumine.

"Wait, Amber, what did he say? I can't tell from here." Said y/n.

"He said 'sorry I'm late girly'. Hey, when did he learn sign language? Is it a fatui thing?"

"No idea. Maybe... oh celestia! What if he learned it for her?!"

"Arghh!" Yelled Amber. "Stop that's too adorable, I told myself I wouldn't approve of Lumine and the harbinger."

"Well you're gonna have to start approving," said y/n, motioning with her cup. "Because now he's slow dancing with her standing in his feet."

Both girls shrieked at the adorable sight.

"Archons..." yelled y/n. "I see what you have done for others and I just wonder... WHEN IS IT MY TURN??"

Amber was unconcerned at her outburst and kept pointing out other couples.

"Look! I think Albedo just asked Sucrose to dance!"

"What? Oh I see her. She's shaking her head?"

Amber whispered over and over, "Say yes, say yes, say yes! Come on Sweetie you can do it."

Y/n and Amber cheered when Sucrose finally put her small hand into Albedo's. The two alchemists swayed on the outskirts of the slow-moving crowd. Apparently they weren't ready to dive into the middle of the dance just yet.

"So." Said Amber. "What about Kaeya and Noelle over there. They're standing awfully close. She's having to crane her neck a lot to see his face."

"What?" Y/n searched and saw them chatting on the outskirts of the crowd. Her heart did an odd flip inside of her chest. "Oh, well they just went on a mission together."

"I don't know..." said Amber. "If Kaeya wasn't so set on you, Noelle would be my next guess."

"Wait, wait. What do you mean, 'set on me'? He's flirty with everyone, why would you think I was singled out?"

Amber giggled.
"Y/n, you must be one of the densest people I know. How many times have you said Kaeya kisses your ear?"

"I don't know, all the time?"

"Uh-huh. And how often are you and him alone at his apartment by his request?"

"Every week...but-"

"And how does he act when Diluc is around?"

"Well he gets really weirdly possessive but..."

"I rest my case." Said Amber confidently.

Y/n tried to protest.
"Amber, I still can't believe he could...have feelings... for me. We- we've just been friends forever..."

"Believe it." Said a sharp voice from behind them.

Both girls yelled in surprise and jumped where they sat. The rosy-haired nun raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, it's you Rosaria. When did you get here?" Gasped y/n.

"A while ago." Said the nun. "I've been here long enough to know that you really are stupid. Of course he has feelings for you, you're just the only one who can't see it."

"Are you sure?" Asked y/n. "I- I know your whole thing is gathering information, but this is just too unbelievable for me."

Rosaria was holding her polearm and she planted the weapon firmly in front of her.
"I heard them myself. The brothers were discussing it in the tavern. They were also too stupid to see me sitting upstairs."

"What did they say, exactly?" Asked Amber.

"Oh, nothing I can fully repeat, just know that Kaeya is far from indifferent. Now, I've done my duty, so  do with that information what you will."
With that, Rosaria turned and casually jumped back off the breezeway, leaving the two knights in stunned silence.

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