Chapter 9- Back Where We Started (Part 2)

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~♥(✿ฺ'∀'✿ฺ)ノ 𝒹𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝒷𝑒 𝓈𝒽𝓎, ᴸᴱᴬᵛᴱ ᴬ ᶜᴼᴹᴹᴱᴺᵀ ('ε` )♡ ~

Y/n could feel Diluc's eyes on her every time she looked down, but when she glanced up at him, he was carefully cutting his meat.
Her ears strained to pick up any sounds in the silent room. Far away, there was a chime of a clock. There were small footsteps in the rooms above them and the sounds of the fork and knife scraping against the plate. Y/n shifted in  her seat and the dress made a loud rustling. Diluc looked up and she finally caught his eyes. Unfortunately, she still had no idea what he was thinking.

Y/n cleared her throat.

"So, I see the maids got you to dress up as well."

Diluc looked down at his brocade vest and the delicate cravat around his neck.

"Yes. Considering it's a special occasion, they didn't have to try too hard."

Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"Special occasion?"

"Yes. It's the first time you've officially come back to the manor since you moved out."

"Oh." Y/n ducked her head and took a sip of cider.  She wished more than ever that she could explain, or that she could apologize at the very least. The guilt for her careless words were slowly eating away at her as she stared at the lavish feast.

Diluc opened his mouth and closed it again. He was still looking at her and she tried desperately to think of anything else but the one time he'd gotten drunk, but the memories were already creeping in.

 He was still looking at her and she tried desperately to think of anything else but the one time he'd gotten drunk, but the memories were already creeping in

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They had been around 16 and 17 and it was Kaeya's birthday. The manor had been filled to bursting with Mondstadt citizens. It didn't matter who you are, master Crepus welcomed anyone and everyone to celebrate with them.

Kaeya had loved the attention. He had laughed and flirted his way around the room at least twice before the music even started. Him and Barbara had been the stars of the night with an elaborate dance routine.

Diluc had hated it. He stayed on the outskirts, his eyes furrowed and arms crossed. Usually he'd be fine to float around the room and charm the guests, but he just wasn't in the mood. He'd been training with the Knights all day and he was too tired to put up with people's ridiculousness.

Y/n was passing Diluc's bedroom as she came back from the bathroom, when a hand snaked through her arm in the dark hallway and pulled her through the door. The room was dim but she could see Diluc, coat and vest long discarded with his hair falling free around his face.

"Diluc? What...? Why aren't you in the party? People will miss you." Diluc swayed a bit on his feet as he played with y/n's elaborate sleeve.

"No... no they won't. And I won't miss them either. It's... too loud."

"Oh..." y/n didn't know what to say. He was acting strange. He was usually so formal, at least compared to Kaeya. Kaeya was more free with his words, but Diluc was reserved- even as he showed affection.
Y/n watched as Diluc stared intently at her necklace, which he was now twisting around in his fingers.

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