Chapter 12- Uninvited Guests

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It was a bright, clear morning and y/n woke up to the smell of freshly baked bread. Her first instinct told her that her mom had made some of her special bread for the festival, but as she woke up she remembered she lived alone. She groggily opened her eyes and looked out her slightly open window where the scent was flowing in from. The sun was still rising but the City of Freedom was already electric with noise and movement.

There was a small crash from the direction of her kitchen and y/n sat straight up in bed.

"Hello? Who's there?"

No reply. She slowly reached for her vision and stepped into her slippers. The floorboards creaked as she tiptoed down the small hallway into her tiny kitchen.

A loud  BONK to her left startled her and she looked at the kitchen window to see Paimon outside, rubbing her tiny head.

Y/n laughed and reached over to roll the window open.

"Paimon, I told you to check if the window was open before flying through."

"Noted." Said the pixie. "Now let me in, I've got breakfast for Lumine and the harbinger."

Y/n blinked as she stepped aside.

"Why would you come here? Lumine lives a few doors down. And Childe isn't even... wait...."

Paimon huffed like the answer should be perfectly obvious.

"Don't you pay attention to what's going on in your own house? No wonder it got burned

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"Don't you pay attention to what's going on in your own house? No wonder it got burned. They're staying with you, silly."

It was the first y/n had heard of it. She cast her eyes around and marched into her guest room. The Eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers and the Honorary Knight were sitting cross-legged in the middle of her bedroom floor making signs at each other and giggling. Childe looked up and waved cheekily.

"Good morning Comrade."

Y/n slammed the door against the wall.

"What in celestia are you doing here, Fatui?"

Lumine cleared her throat and said,
"Wait, y/n, I can explain. I brought him here."

Y/n sighed.

"About two minutes after you went to sleep." Said Childe.

"I don't care if he's here," y/n grumbled. "I just want to know... you know what, never mind. What's for breakfast? You did bring me stuff, right?"

Lumine clapped her hands a bit and said,

"Yes, of course. Just... Please don't tell master Diluc where Childe was, okay? He's supposed to be on house arrest across town."

Y/n made sign like zipping her lips.

"Got it."

Y/n and Lumine walked to the kitchen and re-toasted some hash browns. Lumine was silent, as she usually was, but y/n was prepared to grill her.

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