Chapter 8-Abyssal Rumblings

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Noelle and Amber stood by y/n in the office as Eula leaned languidly against the wall. Lumine was sitting neatly in a chair by the door while Paimon floated lazily around the room. Kaeya took a sip of water before sitting down across form y/n. He slid a small scroll over to her and motioned for her to open it. Y/n's fingers shook slightly as she undid the black ribbon.

The parchment fell open with a creak and y/n read:

This is your last warning, Dark-knight. Give up your fight, or your most prized will be taken.

Y/n looked up.
"Dark-knight? Who could that be?"

Paimon let out a little squeak and everyone turned to her. Lumine was glaring up at her and the pixie's tiny hands were clamped over her mouth.

"P-Paimon just saw a spider, that's all." The floating being said. She made a poor attempt at whistling as she quickly shot away into a cupboard.

Kaeya cleared his throat.

"It was the Abyss order that attacked, I'm positive. And this "dark-knight" they refer to has to be the Darknite hero. Whoever THAT may be." He looked pointedly at Lumine who was conveniently staring into an empty corner.

Y/n turned and narrowed her eyes at Lumine, but before she could make the girl spill the beans, the door to Kaeya's office burst open.

Diluc stood in the doorframe outlined by the afternoon light. He looked around the room and adjusted his gloves before stalking in.

"Well, it seems someone forgot to invite me to this important party." His eyes burned a hole through Kaeya's eyepatch.

Kaeya sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"Because, brother, it's not your job to be invited."
Diluc raised an eyebrow in Noelle's direction, but he didn't comment.

"No matter, this concerns me as much as it concerns you this time. Y/n is under both of our protection and both of us failed her last night."

The room went still, waiting to see Kaeya's response.

"You're right. But I'm actually doing something about it, so if you don't mind..."

Diluc folded his arms.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what you know. How can I protect y/n when I don't know what I'm protecting her from?"

Amber and Noelle were now anxiously looking back and forth between the brothers. Eula was filing her nails.

Kaeya sighed and nodded at y/n. She handed the scroll to Diluc and the room was still as he read.
He snapped the scroll shut.

"The Abyss. Of course." He said.

Kaeya leaned over his desk.

"Of course? Is there something you need to tell us Diluc?"

Diluc pressed his lips together but instead of answering Kaeya he just said,

"I see. I'll take my leave then. There's a lot to prepare if I want to catch up to them in a timely manner." He turned to leave but Noelle spoke up.

"A-actually we're already preparing for that."

Eula and Amber looked at each other in surprise. Lumine perked up while y/n looked at her and mouthed, she's not afraid to correct him?

That's because he's not a knight. Signed Lumine.

Diluc rested his hands on his sword hilt.
"Are you going to stop me, maid?"

Kaeya stood and walked in front of the door.
"No, but I will."

Eula rested an arm on her claymore and raised an eyebrow at them.

"This isn't going to turn into a sibling fight is it? I could be taking my revenge on multiple people right now."

The brothers glared at each other. Lumine pulled a book out of her bag and started reading.

Y/n looked from each face to the other and said,
"Diluc, couldn't you just hear him out? What good is fighting each other while the abyss escape?"

"Fine." Said Diluc. "What are you going to do about this, Cavalry Captain."

"Noelle and I," Kaeya motioned to the maid. "Are going to track them down. Amber wouldn't be qualified this time, so I'm doing it myself. Happy?"

"No I am not happy if it's you. You know very well I'm much more -"

"Both of you, please!" Piped up Noelle. "Do not fight like this! Master Diluc, we need someone to protect y/n while we are gone. Everyone else has duties to the city except for you. Couldn't you take on the task of keeping an eye on her?"

Y/n jumped up.
"I resent the insinuation that I can't take care of myself. I have a vision for celestia's sake."

Diluc pinched his lips together, considering the decision.
"Fine. If the abyss want to get to her, they'll have to walk through me."

Amber sighed.

"Well, I'm sure glad we've got that taken care of. I better be off then. Take care Noelle! And good luck Kaeya." She hugged the young maid, waved at Kaeya and grabbed Eula as she left.

Diluc tapped his foot.

"Well, shouldn't you get going, Kaeya?"

"Just a moment. I'd like a private world with y/n."
Kaeya took y/n's wrist and led her out into the cool hallway. She leaned against the wall and he stood in front if her, his indigo hair covering half of his face.

"So, y/n, are you really okay? You're not too shaken are you?" His eyes roamed her body freely, checking for any signs of injury

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"So, y/n, are you really okay? You're not too shaken are you?" His eyes roamed her body freely, checking for any signs of injury. His gaze landed on a purplish mark on her arm.

"This, how did it get here?"

Y/n glanced down and laughed.
"I fell off of Diluc's couch this morning. Don't worry about it."

"Ah." Sighed Kaeya. "So you really were at the manor. I thought maybe I'd just thought about it in a bad dream."

"A-a bad dream? You're not making very much sense." Stuttered y/n.

Kaeya leaned his head on y/n's shoulder and sighed. He mumbled something into her neck but she couldn't understand him. Her heart did a weird stutter and she cleared her throat.

"What's that Kaeya?"

"I SAID that I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you last night. It- I don't know what I would do if  you were seriously hurt." He tugged on a lock of her hair. "But you're fine now, so I suppose that's all that matters."

Y/n rolled her eyes.
"It's sweet everyone was worried for me, but you are all seriously overreacting. I'm a vision user, remember? I can take care of myself."

There was a small cough behind them and Noelle was standing waiting for them to finish.
Kaeya waited another beat and lifted his head.

"Well y/n, I shall see you very soon, hopefully without too many reasons to be annoyed at our dear Diluc."

He sloppily kissed y/n's ear like he had when they were children and sauntered off towards Noelle with a conspiratorial wink at the maid.

Diluc stepped out into the hall.

"Get your belongings, I plan on getting to the manor as soon as possible."

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