Chapter 16- Round Two

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Bennett scrambled over the slippery rocks and dragged Fischl behind him. They picked their way through the terrain until they got to Razor who was perched on top of a flat boulder.

"Razor!" Called Bennett. "We didn't miss it, did we?"

"Not much to miss. Just dancing."

The kids took their seats on the rocks and looked down onto the beach. Falcon Coast was bright and colorful in the early morning light. Y/n, Eula, and Noelle were in a line following some sort of footwork routine. Occasionally Eula would shake her head and they'd start over. Noelle finally noticed the adventurers watching them and waved.

"What are they doing here y/n?"

"Oh." Y/n laughed. "They've been begging me to watch your training ever since you got to go on that assignment. Getting an assignment means you're really skilled, so I guess they want to check your skills out for themselves."

Noelle blushed a bit and turned quickly back to her footwork. Eula took her chance while Noelle's back was turned and took a swing at her with her claymore. Noelle barely blocked the swing with her shield and wheeled around on Eula.

"Hey, nobody has said anything about allowing sneak-attacks."

Y/n sighed at the maid.
"That's kind of the whole point of a sneak-attack, you don't know it's coming."

Eula shrugged and went for another swift swing. Noelle barely dodged and got her own claymore into position. Y/n backed away from the two women and started the climb up the rocks to sit next to the adventurers.

"...unevenly matched in height. Eula is much taller." Fischl was saying.

Bennett waved at y/n as she came up the rocks but immediately countered Fischl by saying that Noelle had better defense anyway so the height wouldn't matter.

Y/n brushed some sand off of the boulder and sat down next to Razor with her arms around her upright knees. The sun was slowly warming her face and neck as she sat there and she could see Razor laying down using his hair as a pillow. Y/n rested her head on her knees and closed her eyes. The rays of light prickled her eyes and she suddenly felt tears welling up.

No, no, no! Keep it together. Just stay distracted.

She felt a little jab in her back. Looking up, she saw Razor crouched next to her and poking her gently with a small stick.

"You..." he said slowly. "Are not happy. What is wrong?"

Y/n swiped at her prickling eyes and shrugged.
"Nothing. At least, nothing I can explain. I'll get over it."

The wolf boy cocked his head to one side but didn't say anything else.

Y/n's life had been like this for a while. The festival was two weeks gone and she still hadn't started recovering from the shock of Kaeya's speech. She would forget everything for a few blissful minutes but the thoughts would crash back over her in an unhappy wave.

Kaeya hadn't spoken to her since the festival, even as she tried her best to get him alone.

I just want to EXPLAIN. How hard is it for these men to stand still for two minutes and just LISTEN.

Razor set down his stick.

"You don't want to watch training."

Y/n shook her head slightly.
"No, I guess not."

Razor nodded solemnly and jumped off of the boulder. He looked back at her and waved his scarred 'paw'.

"Come. We go for a walk. Find snacks."

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