Chapter 5- Foraging

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It was getting unbearably slow at work for y/n. There wasn't a single commission that hadn't been taken already and the paperwork was actually being handled by Kaeya.
So, when she woke up to a polite knock on her door, she wasn't too annoyed.
The birds were chirping and she could hear some people moving around in the streets outside, but it was still slightly dark out.
When she heard the knock she got up groggily and grabbed her blankets to use as a cloak.

She undid the latch and was surprised to see Albedo the alchemist and Sucrose on her doorstep. Albedo was apparently the one who knocked and Sucrose was standing shyly behind him.

"Oh hey guys, what brings you here so early?"

Albedo didn't seem to care about how early is was, because he just launched into a quiet explanation.

"I have a commission and Kaeya told me to ask you personally. You see, I frequently have Sucrose go foraging for ingredients with Razor, but even though he knows the forrest, he's not exactly stable."

Y/n laughed.
"No, I guess he isn't very stable. But he does probably know the best spots for ingredients."

"Yes. But the last few times have been a problem." Albedo but his hand on Sucrose's shoulder. "He keeps seeing squirrels and leaving poor Sucrose alone in the wild."

Sucrose's eyes were wide and her face was quickly turning red. Y/n resisted the urge to laugh. She was SO obvious.

Y/n cleared her throat and said, "So, you want me to go with them?"

"Yes that is correct." Said Albedo. "I don't need anything special from you, I just want Sucrose back safely without having to find her way home in the dark."

"Ok, I guess that's doable."
. . .

Sucrose adjusted the strap on her water canteen as she scrambled down a hill

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Sucrose adjusted the strap on her water canteen as she scrambled down a hill. Y/n squinted in the early morning light, hunting for telltale footprints. She soon caught on to the trail and they were met with an adorable sight.

Under a small overhanging rock, Razor was laying in a pile of wolves, his fluffy hair spread around him like a nest. All of them made little whistling sounds through their noses as they slept, and the air was quiet and peaceful all around them.

Y/n whispered to Sucrose,
"How do you usually wake him up? I'm not a fan of being attacked by surprised wolves."

"We actually have a signal." Said Sucrose.

Y/n listened closely as Sucrose put her hands over her mouth and made a small cooing noise with her mouth.
Razor sat bolt upright and rubbed his eyes. He wasted no time in looking around till he saw them and said,
"Ah, Sucrose. Morning. We... are.."

"Yes we are! Albedo needs all kinds of things today."

"Ok... I am up and shiny."

"Huh?" Said Y/n. "OH you mean like 'rise and shine'?"

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