Chapter 22- Gathered Forces

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Kaeya strolled elegantly between the two lines of knights while Diluc and y/n watched from the tent. Y/n smiled a bit as Kaeya looked over and winked. (Or at least it looked like he did)

They weren't exactly together now, but they sure were doing a lot of stuff together. Actually, a lot of stuff isn't an accurate representation.

Kaeya had been whisking her away for rendezvous at every possible spare moment. She was positive people knew about them by now, but no one had said anything. She had a sneaking suspicion that Diluc might have something to do with that. He definitely was not happy with the whole passionate situation, but he was forced to be around them at almost all times.

Y/n found herself studying Diluc as he watched Kaeya addressing the knights. He was always so stiff, even if he was wearing comfortable clothing as he was now. Unlike Kaeya, who was a constant slave to his own wardrobe, Diluc did sometimes yield to function over fashion. His hands were tight and gloveless and y/n could see them clenching and unclenching, the knuckles raw and devoid of color.

He is incredibly on-edge. I wonder...

Slowly, Kaeya's words to the knights trickled back into y/n's awareness.

"...since Master Diluc has recommended you all to me, I will personally invite you to our strike team. This attack will take precision and discretion. The element of surprise is key. If the Abyss manage to reach the city..." Kaeya tapped his eyepatch.

"Things could get uglier than what is under this eyepatch."

The gathered squad let out a few nervous laughs, but there was still that undercurrent of manic anticipation that comes before a battle.

Diluc rolled his eyes and stood, motioning for y/n to follow him.

"Alright Cavalry Captain, I can take it from here." He turned to address the  crowd. "Tomorrow night we will commence our attack on the Abyss. The wind currents have kept the monsters from taking over the tower, so they are instead scattered around the whole Old Mondstadt area. Our spies have counted 9 different dens that will need special attention."

The soldiers shifted on their feet.

"Isn't he just a wine merchant?" Someone whispered. "How does he know all of this?"

Y/n stepped out from behind Diluc and gave the offending soldier a solid tap to the gut.

"I don't see you holding a vision or a claymore but by all means, keep commenting."

The knight rubbed his throbbing stomach and winced. The soldiers around him stood a bit straighter.

"Well? Said y/n. She was trying to put on her best 'listen to me' voice. "Do you have any other comments or concerns for us?"

The knight looked down at his feet and shook his head.

Diluc was looking back at y/n with a questioning look but he turned his attention back to the crowd.

"Each encampment will have at least one vision user sent to it. We will inform you of your leader when only hours before the attack to avoid any... leakages."

This caused a stir in the crowd.

"Master Diluc, Sir."
A knight raised her hand.

"Are you implying that we have a mole?"

"We have our suspicions."

"But you are still going through with this plan?"

Y/n cut in.

"We do not want anyone to be alarmed but the Abyss has been extremely resourceful in learning information about Mondstadt. You all have been specially chosen by us as a trustworthy corp." Y/n took care to put emphasis on their trustworthiness.

The crowd seemed to be put at ease and they quieted their whispers.

Diluc grunted in appreciation of her help and said,
"Everyone fall into your assigned groups and stay in your individual camps. We must remain as organized as possible."

He snapped his fingers loudly, turned on his heels and marched into the command tent.

The command camp was set up on the cliffs to the east of the Falcon Coast shoreline. Jeans's reasoning was that since it was still far away from Stormterror's lair, any spies from the Abyss wouldn't have reason to believe they were doing anything but a routine training.

Y/n looked around the tent city and recognized some familiar faces. Huffman, (the town darling) Aramis, Guy, Harry, Athos, Swan, Porthos, and many others were sitting in their groups, cleaning armor, checking belts- the usual.
Y/n was struck with the fact that their were hardly any women present, but the ones that were involved were most likely counted among the vision holders.
. . .
Nightfall had come and the two Ragnvindr siblings, Jean, and y/n sat in the command tent locked in an argument. Well, Jean was doing most of the arguing.

"He must know that what he is doing is endangering the city. We must find him and make him aware."

Y/n and Kaeya were not speaking to each other on account of an earlier argument on why the Darknight Hero could be a woman. Kaeya had lost.

"Master Jean..." Diluc said slowly. "I believe that with all of these threats to the city addressed directly to him, this 'Darknight Hero' is aware of his standing. There is no need to continue this search for this vigilante. It would be a blatant waste of resources."

"You say this as if you know something I do not." Jean lowered her voice and stepped closer to Diluc. "Diluc, you know how much I value your opinion, both as an advisor and as a...friend." Jean glanced at y/n and Kaeya who were smirking at each other. "But I think you are being too complacent in this matter. This is an issue of safety for the free citizens of Mondstadt. Believe me when I say that I will use every resource I have to keep my people safe."

Diluc sighed and stood.
"Master Jean. I am only giving my opinions. Do with your information what you will."

Jean nodded slowly backed away.
"Right. I will continue to have the wolf boy sniff out the scenes where the Darknight Hero stepped in. Hopefully his nose will give us some clues."

Diluc nodded curtly and quickly saw himself out of the tent.

Y/n thought, Thank Barbatos that's over.

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